Community Development through Tourism

eBook - September 2006 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Integrates community, business and tourism planning, from a global and Australian perspective.

Community Development through Tourism examines the development of local communities through the healthy integration of community planning, business planning and tourism planning. It explores the most pertinent tourism and business theories, moving from strategic planning to community empowerment and practice. Research-based case studies are used to illustrate how things work in the real world, and the ways in which various theories can and have been applied. + Full description

This book will be an important resource for business development managers, tourism operators and community leaders, as well as students and teachers in courses that incorporate aspects of community tourism into their business, tourism, social sciences and arts programs.

- Short description


No longer available in a print edition.


ePDF | September 2006
ISBN: 9780643093881
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Available from eRetailers


  • The structure and content of the book has derived from the author’s experience and research in teaching a Community Tourism specialisation
  • Covers important aspects such as community well-being, strategic planning, marketing and ethics
  • Incorporates work in community tourism planning from North America and Australia


Chapter One: Communities and tourism
Chapter Two: Tourism theories and their relevance to communities
Chapter Three: Strategic tourism planning for communities
Chapter Four: Community-inclusive strategies
Chapter Five: Marketing community tourism
Chapter Six: Rural tourism communities
Chapter Seven: Dealing with risk and disasters in tourism communities
Chapter Eight: Developing communities through tourism
Appendix: Communities and ecotourism in the Year of the Outback


Sue Beeton is an Associate Professor at La Trobe University, Victoria, and Director of Research for the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management. She has extensive experience in researching and working with tourism in communities, and has published widely in the areas of film-induced tourism, national park tourism management, sustainable tourism, and tourism in rural and peripheral areas, all with a strong community-based perspective.