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Effect of water stress on partitioning of 14C-labelled photosynthates in Vitis vinifera

Josefina Bota A C , Oleg Stasyk B C , Jaume Flexas A and Hipólito Medrano A D
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A Departament de Biologia. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Carretera de Valldemossa Km 7.5. CP 07122. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

B Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vasylkivska Str. 31 / 17, 03022-Kyiv-22-Ukraine.

C Both of these authors contributed equally to this work.

D Corresponding author; email:

Functional Plant Biology 31(7) 697-708
Submitted: 24 December 2003  Accepted: 19 March 2004   Published: 22 July 2004


The influence of fruits on export and distribution of photosynthates was studied in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo using 14C labelling. Also, the influence of water stress was analysed in fruiting and fruitless plants of Tempranillo and fruiting plants of cv. Alfonso Lavallée. In fruitless plants of Tempranillo, reserve organs (trunk, roots and lower shoot) represented 80% of total plant dry matter (DM), and imported up to 90% of the total 14C exported from the fed leaf. Therefore, the distribution pattern of photosynthates in these plants reflected mainly the sink size. However, the presence of fruits in Tempranillo strongly stimulated 14C export and changed the distribution pattern of assimilates. Fruits imported up to 70–80% of the total 14C exported, while representing only 25% of the total plant DM. Therefore, the strength of fruits as carbon sinks was independent of sink size, and it is discussed on the basis of a water potential gradient theory.

Water stress caused a significant reduction of leaf water potential, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, but caused only a slight, non-significant, decrease of carbohydrate export from the fed leaves, and did not affect the distribution pattern of 14C except in some minor fractions in Tempranillo. The 14C distribution into different fruit components was also unaffected. In contrast, in Alfonso Lavallée water stress resulted in a highly significant reduction of export, and an altered photosynthate distribution pattern. These differences could be due to the lower water potential attained in stressed Alfonso Lavallée plants.

Keywords: carbon export, carbon partitioning, 14C-photoassimilates, Vitis vinifera, water stress.


S. Martínez and M.T. Moreno are acknowledged for helping in the analysis of samples. Financial support for J. Bota from Beca de Investigació UIB is appreciated. This work was partly founded by CICYT Project AGL2001–1285-CO3–01 (Plan Nacional, Spain). Financial support to O. Stasyk from UIB International Relations Program is recognised. Dr Miquel Ribas and Max Henkle are gratefully acknowledged for helpful discussions and grammar corrections.


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