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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Predicting mammalian target-specificity of the M-44 ejector in south-eastern Australia

Clive A. Marks A B C and Rebecca Wilson A
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A Vertebrate Pest Research Department, PO Box 48, Frankston, Vic. 3199, Australia.

B Animal Welfare Centre, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 600 Sneydes Road, Werribee, Vic. 3030, Australia.

C Present address: Nocturnal Wildlife Research Pty Ltd, PO Box 2126, East Malvern, Vic. 3145, Australia.

Wildlife Research 32(2) 151-156
Submitted: 27 October 2003  Accepted: 10 March 2005   Published: 4 May 2005


Meat-based baits are currently used for the control of the exotic red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in south-eastern Australia. Thirty-one quadrupedal endemic mammals are considered to be potentially bait consuming (PBC) and may be exposed to bait toxicants. Mechanical toxicant ejectors may be more selective if some PBC species cannot apply enough upward force to trigger them. A simple relationship between body mass and pulling force was sought to enable estimates of ejector specificity to be made. The pulling force applied to ejector baits was measured for the red fox and six endemic mammals. The relationship between body mass and pulling force was highly significant (P < 0.001) and the resulting regression equation was used to estimate the highest pulling forces for 31 quadrupedal mammals based upon the largest body mass recorded for each species. In a sample of 640 foxes, taken by a range of methods in south-eastern Australia, the lowest adult body mass detected from January to September was 3 kg and declined only when cubs were present in the population from October to December. An ejector trigger force of 26.46 N was estimated to allow foxes weighing >3 kg to trigger the device, while eliminating exposure of 26 of the 31 PBC mammals. Appropriate toxicant selection and dose rates may ensure that four out of five susceptible mammals are less likely to be affected by unwanted exposure.


This study was funded by The Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (DPIWE: Tasmania) and the Catchment and Water Division of Natural Resources and Environment (Victoria). All procedures in this paper were undertaken in accordance with the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (1997) and approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of the Victorian Institute of Animal Science (VIAS) as protocol no. 2231. Frank Gigliotti’s outstanding technical, organisational and moral support was greatly appreciated. Thanks to Androo Kelly (Trowunna Wildlife Park), Michael Johnson and Mark Cairns (Moonlight Sanctuary) and Ian Johnson (Nug Nug Ranch) for access to animals in their care and for their assistance. Michael Lindeman, Michael Johnston and Frank Busana from VIAS are thanked for their assistance with the fox trials. Emmanuelle Crane provided invaluable assistance photo-documenting the Tasmanian trials despite suffering dehydration. Max Darby machined the bait-holder adaptor equipment and his help was greatly appreciated. Thanks to Chris Belcher (Deakin University), Scott Burnett (Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service), Karen Firestone (Australian Museum), Menna Jones (Australian National University), Gerhard Körtner (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service), Andrew Murray and Jenny Nelson (Department of Natural Resources and Environment) for providing body mass data for free-ranging spotted-tailed quolls. This paper benefited from constructive criticisms received from Lee Allen, Menna Jones and two anonymous referees.


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