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An agronomic test to manage phosphorus environmental risk from pastures with good grazing management

M. R. Hart A B C and P. S. Cornish A
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A School of Natural Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Campus, Locked Bag 1797 Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, Australia.

B Current address: Defra, Area 1B, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR, UK.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Soil Research 52(3) 293-298
Submitted: 12 September 2013  Accepted: 19 November 2013   Published: 31 March 2014


Management of phosphorus (P) environmental risk has been hampered by the lack of widely applicable threshold values for the soil properties that determine concentrations of P in runoff. This paper simplified the task of developing threshold values by restricting land-use to pastures and by using a single methodology based on simulated rainfall across 38 field sites (76 plots) that included a range of land-use intensities, and soils that varied widely in lithology and soil properties. An ‘adjusted’ soil-test P was determined from the measured Colwell-P minus the threshold P for agronomic response, which was estimated from P-buffering index (PBI). Concentrations of total P (TP) in runoff rose exponentially with rising ‘adjusted’ soil-test P, although only with pastures with high groundcover (r2 = 0.87), or if plots were protected from erosion with a cover of shade-cloth (r2 = 0.70). Concentrations of TP in runoff were low (<0.5 mg L–1) where adjusted Colwell-P was less than zero, which on this scale is the threshold for agronomic response. Similar results were found for dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff, although for plots with soil P below the agronomic threshold, the concentrations of DRP were lower than for TP. We conclude that Colwell-P and soil PBI together provide a widely applicable test for environmental P risk from pastures with good ground cover. The same threshold values may be used for both agronomic and environmental purposes.

Additional keywords: Colwell-P, PBI, P buffering index.


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