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Historical Records of Australian Science Historical Records of Australian Science Society
The history of science, pure and applied, in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific

John Henry Carver 1926–2004

R. W. Crompton, G. D. Dracoulis, B. R. Lewis, K. G. McCracken and J. S. Williams

Historical Records of Australian Science 22(1) 53 - 79
Published: 04 May 2011


John Henry Carver made distinguished contributions to national and international physics, not only through his research in nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, and planetary atmospheric physics, but also as a scientific administrator. His years as the Elder Professor of Physics at the University of Adelaide saw him enter the field of rocket-based atmospheric physics by forging strong links with the nearby Weapons Research Establishment through which he had access to rockets to fly equipment developed in his laboratory and, eventually, to launch a small satellite developed and built by his team. This led to his appointment to the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which he chaired for the record term of twenty-five years. As an academic administrator he was equally distinguished, serving on numerous boards and committees of the University of Adelaide before moving to Canberra as Director of the Australian National University's Research School of Physical Sciences, a position he held for fifteen years. In addition, he served with distinction on numerous national and international scientific advisory bodies. He was a passionate advocate for his School and his leadership will be long remembered.

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