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The effectiveness of coal fly-ash to decrease phosphorus loss from grassland soils

R. W. McDowell
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AgResearch Ltd, Invermay Agricultural Centre, Private Bag 50034, Mosgiel, New Zealand. Email:

Australian Journal of Soil Research 43(7) 853-860
Submitted: 11 February 2005  Accepted: 12 July 2005   Published: 9 November 2005


Phosphorus (P) loss from soils can impair surface water quality. A study was conducted to test the efficacy of fly-ash to decrease phosphorus loss in 11 grassland soils. A preliminary toxicity and leaching experiment indicated that heavy metal concentrations (As, Cd, Pb, Se) in leachate and pasture from a soil treated with ash up to 50 mg/kg were not different from the control (unamended soil). Heavy metal concentrations in the ash were generally below limits for maximum concentrations in soil. Following incubation of fly ash at a rate of 20 mg/kg for 3 months with 11 grassland soils packed into boxes, overland flow was generated by simulated rainfall on each boxed soil. Analysis of overland flow indicated that in 2 semi-arid soils, P loss decreased due to decreased particulate P (PP) loss and low organic C concentration (<20 g/kg) that facilitated soil dispersion and slaking and increased soil strength. However, in 4 other soils (including 3 volcanic-ash soils with organic C >70 g/kg), P loss increased due to increased soil pH from 6 to 7 where P is most soluble. In all soils, despite an increase in P in recalcitrant soil P fractions, increased soil pH stimulated soil C and P mineralisation (decreased organic C by, on average, 4.1 g/kg), decreased soil organic P, and increased inorganic P in labile fractions. It is concluded that the application of fly-ash from this source should not be used as an amendment to decrease P loss in pastures where soil pH is commonly <6.0, but could provide useful both as a supplement to lime and in mitigating P loss in cropping soils.

Additional keywords: sediment, overland flow, particulate P, grazing, pasture, cropland.


Funding for this work was provided by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology under contract AGRX002. Materials were supplied by Genesis Power Limited (Huntly). The MacKenzie and Conroy soils were supplied by Drs Bruce Smallfield and Mike Float, respectively.


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