Double Helix Issue 30

Meet a canine conservation hero, discover Saturn's rings and more in this issue of Double Helix!

In our exciting world, so much attention goes to the next new thing. But in this issue of Double Helix, we’re looking at things we’re in danger of losing, and how to protect them. Meet Zorro, a dog that’s learning to protect Tasmanian masked owls. And find out about numbats and the custard that gives them strength. + Full description

Dive deep into the future as we predict which technologies are likely to become extinct. Then look out into the solar system to discover that Saturn’s rings might not last forever.

If you’re looking for a DIY project, make a projector for a smartphone, or try papercraft with a maths or science twist!

- Short description


Published in March 2019, this issue of the magazine is no longer in print.