Double Helix Issue 43

Magazine - October 2020 - AU $9.50

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Eyes on the skies! Learn about weather, sunsets and clouds, and even make your own barometer!

Find a soft patch of ground and lie down. This issue, we're watching the skies! Have you ever heard sayings about the weather? We look at one of the most famous. We also look at the invisible ozone layer that protects us from deadly radiation. And we put on a virtual reality headset to check out some ancient Australian skies. + Full description

If your head's always in the clouds, why not try our activities? You can fill out a cloud journal, or make a cloud in a bottle. And if you want to know what weather is coming, you might like to make your own barometer.

- Short description


Magazine | October 2020 | $ 9.50
ISBN: DH06/43 | 40 pages
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour illustrations, Colour photographs