The CSIRO Low-carb Diet Easy 100

Cover of 'The CSIRO Low-carb Diet Easy 100', featuring a bowl of food on a green background.

Paperback - October 2022 - AU $39.99

With book #6 of the bestselling CSIRO Low-carb Diet series, eating low-carb has never been easier or more delicious.

The CSIRO Low-carb Diet is proven to be highly effective in achieving sustained long-term weight loss, reducing risk factors for heart disease and improving metabolic health. Now, with book #6 of the bestselling CSIRO Low-carb Diet series, eating low-carb has never been easier or more delicious. + Full description

Here are 100 brand-new everyday recipes, featuring plenty of vegetarian options, meals for one and two, and low-carb alternatives to high-carb staples, such as bread, pizza bases and smoothies. Plus there are shopping tips, handy lists and easy-to-follow guidelines, with solid, dependable advice from Australia's foremost nutritional scientists.

- Short description


Publication date: 25 October 2022

As this title is sourced from another publisher, it is available for sale to individual customers only. No discounts apply.


Paperback | October 2022 | $ 39.99
ISBN: 9781760988456 | 272 pages
Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia


CSIRO is at the forefront of nutritional science and lifestyle research in Australia. Our research involves the complex relationship between the health of individuals, populations, and the environment. We have a track record of translating scientific findings into a variety of practical and easy to follow nutrition and exercise programs that support Australians to improve their health and wellness.

Professor Grant Brinkworth is a senior principal research scientist at CSIRO and an international leader in clinical nutrition and health research. He has a PhD and expertise in nutrition and exercise science.

Dr Pennie Taylor is a clinical dietitian and research scientist at CSIRO - Health and Biosecurity. She has a PhD focusing on emerging health technologies related to obesity, type 2 diabetes and lifestyle management.