Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design

Hardback - April 2017 - AU $195.00

eBook - April 2017 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

A guide to the investigation, design, operation and monitoring of mine waste rock dumps and stockpiles.

Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design is a comprehensive, practical guide to the investigation, design, operation and monitoring of mine waste dumps, dragline spoils and major stockpiles associated with large open pit mines. These facilities are some of the largest man-made structures on Earth, and while most have performed very well, there are cases where instabilities have occurred with severe consequences, including loss of life and extensive environmental and economic damage. + Full description

Developed and written by industry experts with extensive knowledge and experience, this book is an initiative of the Large Open Pit (LOP) Project. It comprises 16 chapters that follow the life cycle of a mine waste dump, dragline spoil or stockpile from site selection to closure and reclamation. It describes the investigation and design process, introduces a comprehensive stability rating and hazard classification system, provides guidance on acceptability criteria, and sets out the key elements of stability and runout analysis. Chapters on site and material characterisation, surface water and groundwater characterisation and management, risk assessment, operations and monitoring, management of ARD, emerging technologies and closure are included. A chapter is also dedicated to the analysis and design of dragline spoils.

Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design summarises the current state of practice and provides insight and guidance to mine operators, geotechnical engineers, mining engineers, hydrogeologists, geologists and other individuals that are responsible at the mine site level for ensuring the stability and performance of these structures.

Readership includes mining engineers, geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, environmental scientists, and other professionals involved in the site selection, investigation, design, permitting, construction, operation, monitoring, closure and reclamation of mine waste dumps and stockpiles.

- Short description


Sales in Australia and New Zealand only. Elsewhere, this title is available through CRC Press.

Developed and written by industry experts with extensive knowledge and experience, this book is an initiative of the Large Open Pit (LOP) Project. It comprises 16 chapters that follow the life cycle of a mine waste dump, dragline spoil or stockpile from site selection to closure and reclamation.


Hardback | April 2017 | $195.00
ISBN: 9781486303502 | 384 pages | 270 x 210 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour photographs, Illustrations

ePDF | April 2017
ISBN: 9781486303519
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers


  • Provides comprehensive coverage and current state of practice for the engineering issues associated with mine waste dumps, dragline spoils and stockpiles
  • Offers practical guidance and essential information on the latest technologies and innovations for all those involved in the investigation, design, operation and monitoring of mine waste rock dumps, dragline spoils and stockpiles
  • Developed and written by industry experts with extensive knowledge and experience in mine waste rock dumps, dragline spoils and stockpiles associated with large open pit mines
  • Provides comprehensive guidelines for slope design practitioners, written in an accessible style and extensively illustrated


Preface and acknowledgements
1. Introduction
2. Basic Design Considerations
3. Waste Dump and Stockpile Stability Rating and Hazard Classification System
4. Site Characterisation
5. Material Characterisation
6. Surface Water and Groundwater Characterisation
7. Diversions and Rock Drains
8. Stability Analysis
9. Runout Analysis
10. Risk Assessment
11. Operation
12. Instrumentation and Monitoring
13. Dragline Spoils
14. Management of Acid Rock Drainage
15. Emerging Technologies
16. Closure and Reclamation

View the full table of contents.


Mark Hawley is the President and CEO of the Piteau Associates Group of Companies. He has been involved in engineering geology, rock mechanics, geotechnical and hydrogeological studies for more than 35 years, and has consulted on more than 65 major mining projects worldwide. He specialises in the investigation and design of high open pit slopes and waste dumps.

John Cunning is a Principal and Geotechnical Engineer with Golder Associates in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He has been involved in geotechnical engineering studies supporting tailings and mine waste management projects for more than 25 years. He specialises in investigation, design, operation and closure of tailings facilities, water management facilities and waste dumps.