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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Excitation Studies of Reactions Occurring in the Proton Bombardment of 10B

JWG Wignall

Australian Journal of Physics 8(2) 310 - 314
Published: 1955


This note reports an investigation of the excitation functions for the reactions 10B(p,?)11C and 10B(p,a)7Be for proton energies of up to 775 keV. Curran, Dee, and Petr?ílka (1939) investigated the (p,?) reaction by analysing the decay curve of activations produced in the bombardment of a thick boron target by 960 ke V protons ; they found no evidence for this reaction and quoted an upper limit of 10?13 11C nuclei formed per incident proton.

© CSIRO 1955

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