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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Absolute Intensities of Characteristic Ka Radiation from an Inclined Copper Target

V Metchnik

Australian Journal of Physics 17(1) 45 - 49
Published: 1964


Experimental results are given for the measurements of the absolute intensity of characteristic Ka radiation from a thick copper target when the normal to the target is inclined to the incident electron beam at an angle (I equal to 20°, 30°, 40°, and 50°. These measurements cover a range of electron energies between 20 and 50 kV, and take·off angles q, ranging from 1° to 50°. A comparison is made with the emission at normal incidence. The copper Ka radiation was isolated by means of balanced nickel and iron filters, and the intensity mllasurements were made with a scintillation counter with NaI(TI) crystal

© CSIRO 1964

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