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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Systematics of the Electroweak Plasma at Finite Temperature I

BJK Smith, NS Witte and KC Hines

Australian Journal of Physics 48(5) 739 - 774
Published: 1995


This paper provides a systematic treatment of the finite temperature field theory which will be required for the subsequent calculation in detail (given in the second paper in this series) of the linear response properties of the electroweak plasma at finite temperature at the one-loop level in the R{ gauge. Following a brief summary of the path integral formalism in field theory, the finite temperature theory is introduced with emphasis on the relevant Feynman rules and Matsubara sums. The polarisation tensor for the electroweak plasma is calculated by analysing the appropriate Feynman diagrams. The contributions to the one-loop polarization tensor are calculated for the tadpole, loop and balloon diagrams in a form suitable for the subsequent investigation of electroweak plasma properties.

© CSIRO 1995

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