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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Society
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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Spectral characteristics of the 2dFGRS-NVSS galaxies

C. A. Jackson and D. M. Londish
17(3) pp.234 - 240

6 articles found in Crossref database.

A New Method to Separate Star‐forming from AGN Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift: The Submillijansky Radio Population in the VLA‐COSMOS Survey
Smolčić V., Schinnerer E., Scodeggio M., Franzetti P., Aussel H., Bondi M., Brusa M., Carilli C. L., Capak P., Charlot S., Ciliegi P., Ilbert O., Ivezić Ž., Jahnke K., McCracken H. J., Obrić M., Salvato M., Sanders D. B., Scoville N., Trump J. R., Tremonti C., Tasca L., Walcher C. J., Zamorani G.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 2008 177(1). p.14
The FIRST radio survey: Panchromatic properties of FIRST radio sources identified in the Boötes and Cetus fields
Bouchefry K. El
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(1). p.107
The GLEAM 200-MHz local radio luminosity function for AGN and star-forming galaxies
Franzen T. M. O., Seymour N., Sadler E. M., Mauch T., White S. V., Jackson C. A., Chhetri R., Quici B., Bell M. E., Callingham J. R., Dwarakanath K. S., For B., Gaensler B. M., Hancock P. J., Hindson L., Hurley-Walker N., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A. D., Lenc E., McKinley B., Morgan J., Offringa A. R., Procopio P., Staveley-Smith L., Wayth R. B., Wu C., Zheng Q.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2021 38
Radio sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey - II. Local radio luminosity functions for AGN and star-forming galaxies at 1.4 GHz
Sadler Elaine M., Jackson Carole A., Cannon Russell D., McIntyre Vincent J., Murphy Tara, Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Bridges Terry, Cole Shaun, Colless Matthew, Collins Chris, Couch Warrick, Dalton Gavin, De Propris Roberto, Driver Simon P., Efstathiou George, Ellis Richard S., Frenk Carlos S., Glazebrook Karl, Lahav Ofer, Lewis Ian, Lumsden Stuart, Maddox Steve, Madgwick Darren, Norberg Peder, Peacock John A., Peterson Bruce A., Sutherland Will, Taylor Keith
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2002 329(1). p.227
Faint 1.4-GHz radio sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
Chan B. H. P., Cram L. E., Sadler E. M., Killeen N. E. B., Jackson C. A., Mobasher B., Ekers R. D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2004 352(4). p.1245
Radio sources in the 6dFGS: local luminosity functions at 1.4 GHz for star-forming galaxies and radio-loud AGN
Mauch Tom, Sadler Elaine M.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2007 375(3). p.931
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