Landscape Ecology, Function and Management

eBook - November 1996 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Encapsulates the extensive knowledge developed by CSIRO on how rangeland landscapes function and the implications for management.

This book encapsulates the extensive knowledge developed by CSIRO's National Rangelands Program on how rangeland landscapes function and the implications for management. It looks at the ecology of rangeland landscape processes and deals with what happens when things go wrong, when a landscape loses its ability to efficiently capture and store water and nutrients - a state the authors call dysfunctional.

Ways of managing rangelands in response to understanding landscape function are also considered. The concluding Section looks to the future providing some scenarios for the way rangeland landscapes may be used in 2020.


No longer available in a print edition.


"I would recommend this compact and well argued book to a wide variety of ecologists, vegetation scientists, and those interested in the application of ecology to real world problems."
Steward T.A. Pickett, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, USA (J. Vegetation Sci. 9, 1998)

"It will also be useful reading for students of landscape ecology and anyone who is looking for a clear, concise introduction to applied landscape ecology for range management in Australia and elsewhere."
Einir M Young, Journal of Arid Environments 30, 1998


ePDF | November 1996
ISBN: 9780643101159
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers


Section I - Landscape Function

The Landscape Approach, John Ludwig & David Tongway
Conserving Nutrients and Water, David Tongway & John Ludwig
Production Pulses and Linkages, Ken Hodgkinson, David Freudenberger & Jim Noble
Consumers, Feedbacks and Off-take, David Freudenberger & Jim Noble

Section II - Landscape Dysfunction

Nature of Dysfunction, David Tongway & John Ludwig
Causes and Consequences of Dysfunction, David Freudenberger & Ken Hodgkinson

Section III - Landscape Management Implications

The Management Framework, Jim Noble & Joel Brown
Managing for Production and Conservation Goals, Jim Noble, David Freudenberger & Ken Hodgkinson
Rehabilitation of Landscape Function, Jim Noble, Neil MacLeod & Graham Griffin

Section IV - Rangeland Landscapes

Towards a Sustainable Future, John Ludwig & David Freudenberger