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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Biogeography of Fire-Killed and Resprouting Banksia Species in South-Western Australia

BB Lamont and A Markey
43(3) pp.283 - 303

70 articles found in Crossref database.

Nutrient availability induces contrasting allocation and starch formation in resprouting and obligate seeding shrubs
Functional Ecology. 2005 19(4). p.690
Are woody seeder plants more prone than resprouter to population genetic differentiation in Mediterranean-type ecosystems?
Segarra-Moragues José Gabriel, Torres-Díaz Cristian, Ojeda Fernando
Evolutionary Ecology. 2013 27(1). p.117
What predicts the richness of seeder and resprouter species in fire‐prone Cape fynbos: Rainfall reliability or vegetation density?
Cowling Richard M., Gallien Laure, Richardson David M., Ojeda Fernando
Austral Ecology. 2018 43(6). p.614
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He Tianhua, Lamont Byron B., Enright Neal J., D'Agui Haylee M., Stock William
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