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The breeding cycle, year-round distribution and activity patterns of the endangered Chatham Petrel (Pterodroma axillaris)

Matt J. Rayner A H , Graeme A. Taylor B , Helen D. Gummer C , Richard A. Phillips D , Paul M. Sagar E , Scott A. Shaffer F and David R. Thompson G
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- Author Affiliations

A School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand.

B Department of Conservation, PO Box 10420, Wellington 6143, New Zealand.

C Department of Conservation, Chatham Islands Area Office, Te One, Chatham Island.

D British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK.

E National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd, PO Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand.

F Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192-0100, USA.

G National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd, Private Bag 14901, Wellington, New Zealand.

H Corresponding author. Email:

Emu 112(2) 107-116
Submitted: 23 August 2011  Accepted: 19 December 2011   Published: 23 April 2012

53 articles found in Crossref database.

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Predicting the Foraging Habitats of Sympatrically Breeding Gadfly Petrels in the South Pacific Ocean
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Incubation routine and associated changes in body mass of Gould’s Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera)
Kim Yuna, Priddel David, Carlile Nicholas
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2018 118(2). p.193
Half a World Apart? Overlap in Nonbreeding Distributions of Atlantic and Indian Ocean Thin-Billed Prions
Quillfeldt Petra, Cherel Yves, Masello Juan F., Delord Karine, McGill Rona A. R., Furness Robert W., Moodley Yoshan, Weimerskirch Henri, Yoda Ken
PLOS ONE. 2015 10(5). p.e0125007
Distribution and predictability of foraging areas in breeding Chatham albatrosses Thalassarche eremita in relation to environmental characteristics
Deppe L, McGregor KF, Tomasetto F, Briskie JV, Scofield RP
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2014 498 p.287
Decadal increase in vessel interactions by a scavenging pelagic seabird across the North Atlantic
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Current Biology. 2023 33(19). p.4225
Does genetic structure reflect differences in non-breeding movements? A case study in small, highly mobile seabirds
Quillfeldt Petra, Moodley Yoshan, Weimerskirch Henri, Cherel Yves, Delord Karine, Phillips Richard A., Navarro Joan, Calderón Luciano, Masello Juan F.
BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2017 17(1).
Colony attendance and at‐sea distribution of thin‐billed prions during the early breeding season
Quillfeldt Petra, Phillips Richard A., Marx Melanie, Masello Juan F.
Journal of Avian Biology. 2014 45(4). p.315
Conservation implications of consistent foraging and trophic ecology in a rare petrel species
Ramírez I., Paiva V. H., Fagundes I., Menezes D., Silva I., Ceia F. R., Phillips R. A., Ramos J. A., Garthe S.
Animal Conservation. 2016 19(2). p.139
Species‐specific foraging strategies and segregation mechanisms of sympatric Antarctic fulmarine petrels throughout the annual cycle
Delord Karine, Pinet Patrick, Pinaud David, Barbraud Christophe, De Grissac Sophie, Lewden Agnes, Cherel Yves, Weimerskirch Henri, Phillips Richard
Ibis. 2016 158(3). p.569
Gadfly petrels use knowledge of the windscape, not memorized foraging patches, to optimize foraging trips on ocean-wide scales
Ventura Francesco, Granadeiro José Pedro, Padget Oliver, Catry Paulo
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2020 287(1918). p.20191775
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Year-round distribution and habitat preferences of the Bugio petrel
Ramírez I, Paiva VH, Menezes D, Silva I, Phillips RA, Ramos JA, Garthe S
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013 476 p.269
Seabirds as environmental indicators: foraging behaviour and ecophysiology of common diving petrels (Pelecanoides urinatrix) reflect local-scale differences in prey availability
Dunphy B. J., Vickers S. I., Zhang J., Sagar R. L., Landers T. J., Bury S. J., Hickey A. J. R., Rayner M. J.
Marine Biology. 2020 167(4).
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O’Dwyer Terence, Carlile Nicholas, O’Neill Lisa, Halpin Luke R.
Bird Conservation International. 2023 33
Year‐round distribution suggests spatial segregation of two small petrel species in the South Atlantic
Quillfeldt Petra, Masello Juan F., Navarro Joan, Phillips Richard A., Araújo Miguel
Journal of Biogeography. 2013 40(3). p.430
First satellite tracks of the Endangered black-capped petrel
Jodice PGR, Ronconi RA, Rupp E, Wallace GE, Satgé Y
Endangered Species Research. 2015 29(1). p.23
Escaping the oligotrophic gyre? The year-round movements, foraging behaviour and habitat preferences of Murphy’s petrels
Clay TA, Phillips RA, Manica A, Jackson HA, Brooke MdeL
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2017 579 p.139
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