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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Compilation of geophysical signatures of South Australian mineral deposits: a progress report

M.C. Dentith and T.N. Crabb

Exploration Geophysics 28(2) 26 - 28
Published: 1997


To take advantage of large quantities of new geophysical data and increased exploration interest due to the South Australian Exploration Initiative a compilation of the geophysical signatures of South Australian mineral deposits has been undertaken. This project has two stages which will be described in a two-volume publication. The first volume, scheduled for publication in 1996, summarises all publicly available data, and some proprietary data, on the geo- physical signatures of the State's mineral deposits. Separate chapters describe deposits according to the dominant commodity. These include copper, iron, uranium, lead?zinc, and other commodities such as gold, nickel, talc and graphite. The total number of deposits discussed is 44. The second volume, scheduled for publication in early 1997, is primarily concerned with newly acquired airborne geophysical data, from the South Australian Exploration Initiative and also Australian Geological Survey Organisation and commercial surveys. The majority of the data described will be aeromagnetic, but other data will be included as required and available. For each deposit, data from the surrounding few tens of kilometres will be presented and interpreted with emphasis on lithological and structural control of the deposit. Regional-scale interpretations will also be included, again emphasising controls on known mineralisation.

© ASEG 1997

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