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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Editor’s Acknowledgments

+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

Exploration Geophysics 38(4) iv-iv
Published: 6 December 2007

Exploration Geophysics is a peer-reviewed journal. This means that each and every manuscript published – and many more – are reviewed by at least two reviewers. Those reviews are generally summarised by an Associate Editor, and the feedback is passed back to the authors as well as to the Editor.

As I observed two years ago, all of these men and women are volunteers, fitting this contribution somehow into their busy professional lives. The authors can in most cases look forward to some constructively critical comment on their manuscripts – it is rare for a manuscript not to spark some idea for improvement from a reviewer – but we all share from the overall sifting of ideas by the review process. While cases where innovative scientific ideas have been held back because they did not conform to ‘establishment’ views can be found, generally in Geophysics our colleagues do encourage innovation and information in the manuscripts that they recommend for publication. Such manuscripts might sometimes appear to be controversial. If you are surprised by the conclusions in a paper, or the manner of reaching them, then certainly consider preparing a discussion or commentary manuscript for publication. A countervailing argument might just as well lead to a clarification as to a retraction, and either outcome represents an advance in knowledge.

Every two years, Exploration Geophysics and the ASEG lists the names of the reviewers, and the Associate Editors who have enlisted them, who have contributed in this way. Since the last listing, the journal has considered around 120 manuscripts for publication, each of which has been subjected to peer review by at least two of our colleagues. This listing is to make public our respect for their contribution to our journal, our Society, and our science.

I salute and thank all of those people listed below for helping us to bring to you those ideas that should merit our attention.

Philip Armstrong

Mike Asten

Peter Baillie

Richard Bates

Oliver Bauer

Greg Beresford

Stephen Billings

John Bishop

Keith Boyle

Emma Brand

Jock Buselli

Joongmoo Byun

Ikuo Cho

Niels Christensen

Peter Clark

John Clarke

Roger Clifton

Gordon Cooper

Mathew Cooper

Duncan Cowan

Leif Cox

Terry Crabb

Richard Cresswell

Jamin Cristall

Jim Cull

David Denham AM

Mike Dentith

Kevin Dodds

John Doherty

Mark Dransfield

Jarrod Dunne

Anna Dyke

Aleksandar Dzunic

Perry Eaton

Grant Ellis

Don Emerson

Brian Evans

Gary Fallon

David Fitterman

Thomas Flottman

Terry Folkers

Thomas Forbriger

Doug Foster

Kim Frankcombe

Li-Yun Fu

Peter Furness

Richard Gibson

Bruce Goleby

Todd Grant

Paul Green

Stewart Greenhalgh

Sydney Hall

Bruce Harvey

Peter Hatherly

Phil Hawke

Steve Hearn

Philip Heath

Graham Heinson

Natasha Hendrick

Greg Houseman

Joe Inman

Julian Ivanov

Jung Ji

Leonie Jones

John Joseph

Naomi Kano

Hee Joon Kim

Jung-Ho Kim

Dimitri Komatitsch

Jan Kommedal

Richard Lane

Kate Lawson

James Lee

Tak Ming Leung

Ted Lilley

Guimin Liu

Andrew Lockwood

James Macnae

Alan Mann

Keith Martin

Jason McKenna

Salah Mehanee

Tony Meixner

Jayson Meyers

Dong-Joo Min

Shigeharu Mizohata

Tohru Mogi

Bjorn Muller

Alice Murray

Tadashi Nishitani

Osamu Nishizama

Yasuo Ogawa

Adam O’Neill

Colin Pain

Derecke Palmer

Kwon Gyu Park

Troy Peters

Pierre Plasterie

Ben Polzer

Manuel Poupon

Nick Rawlinson

John Ringis

Terry Ritchie

Russell Robinson

David Robson

Marion Rose

Hugh Rutter

Nils Ryden

Tatsuhiko Saito

Daniel Sattel

Don Sherlock

Changsoo Shin

Yoonho Song

Russell Speed

John Stanley

Greg Street

Juergen Streit

Koya Suto

Haruhiko Suzuki

David Thiel

Lindsay Thomas

Matilda Thomas

Mark Tingay

Steve Tobin

Toshiyuki Tosha

Ray Tracey

Norm Uren

Keeva Vozoff

Julian Vrbancich

Yanghua Wang

Xiuming Wang

Toshiki Watanabe

John Weaver

Mike Webb

Robert Whiteley

Glenn Wilson

Richard Wilson

Peter Wolfgram

Xiang Yang

Changchin Yin

Toshiyuki Yokota

Kwangjin Yoon

Binzhong Zhou

Bing Zhou