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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Anomalous Absorption of Cosmic Rays in Lead

WL Kennedy

Australian Journal of Physics 6(4) 500 - 501
Published: 1953


Anomalies in the lead absorption curve of the vertical component of cosmic radiation have been reported by several authors using counter telescopes (Aiya 1944; George and Appapillai 1945; Swann and Morris 1947; Kellermann and Westerman 1949; Fenyves and Haiman 1950; Mazzolli de Mathov. 1951; Abd EI-Wahab Khalil 1952). However, in a recent detailed series of experiments, results of which were published as the experiment to be described here was nearing completion, Heyland and Duncanson (1953) found no evidence of any anomaly in the absorption curve.

© CSIRO 1953

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