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Journal of the Australian Rangeland Society

A review of chemical, biological and fertility control options for the camel in Australia

Steven J. Lapidge A C , Charlie T. Eason B and Simon T. Humphrys A
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A Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, 48 Oxford Terrace, Unley, SA 5061, Australia.

B Connovation Research, PO Box 58613, Auckland 2141, New Zealand.

C Corresponding author. Email:

The Rangeland Journal 32(1) 95-115
Submitted: 5 June 2009  Accepted: 15 December 2009   Published: 23 March 2010


Since their introduction to Australia in 1840 the one-humped camel, Camelus dromedarius, has gone from the colonist’s companion to a conservationist’s conundrum in the fragile arid ecosystems of Australia. Current management techniques are failing to curb present population growth and alternatives must be sought. This review assess the applicability of currently registered and developmental vertebrate pesticides and fertility control agents for camel control, as well as examining the potential usefulness of known C. dromedarius diseases for biological control. Not surprisingly, little is known about the lethality of most vertebrate pesticides used in Australia to camels. More has been published on adverse reactions to pharmaceuticals used in agriculture and the racing industry. An examination of the literature on C. dromedarius diseases, such as camel pox virus, contagious ecthyma and papillomatosis, indicates that the infections generally result in high morbidity but not necessarily mortality and this alone may not justify their consideration for use in Australia. The possibility exists that other undiscovered or unstudied biological control agents from other camilid species may offer greater potential for population control. As a long-lived species the camel is also not ideally suited to fertility control. Notwithstanding, anti-fertility agents may have their place in preventing the re-establishment of camel populations once they have been reduced through mechanical, biological or chemical means. Delivery of any generic chemical or fertility control agent will, however, require a species-tailored pathway and an appropriate large-scale deployment method. Accordingly, we put forward avenues of investigation to yield improved tools for camel control.

Additional keywords: Camelus dromedarius, delivery, disease, pesticide, sterility, toxin.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Australian Government-funded project ‘Cross-jurisdictional management of feral camels to protect NRM and cultural values’ undertaken by the Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre. They would also like to thank Dr Robert Henzell and two anonymous referees for improving the manuscript and Sascha Groeneweg for editing assistance. The research reported in this publication is supported by funding from the Australian Government through the Desert Knowledge CRC; the views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Desert Knowledge CRC or its participants.


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