Animal Production Science
Volume 49 Number 2 2009
EA07187Managing for rainfall variability: effect of grazing strategy on cattle production in a dry tropical savanna
Peter O'Reagain, John Bushell, Chris Holloway and Angela Reid
pp. 85-99
EA07071The effects of high stocking rates on milk production from dryland and irrigated Mediterranean pastures
S. Valentine, P. Lewis, R. T. Cowan and J. DeFaveri
pp. 100-111
EA08175Effect of liveweight gain of pregnant 15-month-old Angus heifers on the milk intake of their first calves and the liveweight of their first and second calves
R. E. Hickson, N. Lopez-Villalobos, P. R. Kenyon and S. T. Morris
pp. 112-120
EA07387Repletion of glycogen in muscle is preceded by repletion of glycogen in the liver of Merino hoggets
R. H. Jacob, G. E. Gardner and D. W. Pethick
pp. 131-138
EA07378Pumpkin kernel and garlic as alternative treatments for the control of Haemonchus contortus in sheep
V. J. Strickland, G. L. Krebs and W. Potts
pp. 139-144
EA08202Efficiency of Sesbania sesban and Acacia angustissima in limiting methanogenesis and increasing ruminally available nitrogen in a tropical grass-based diet depends on accession
A. Z. Bekele, C. Clément, M. Kreuzer and C. R. Soliva
pp. 145-153
EA08210A chemical analysis of samples of crude glycerol from the production of biodiesel in Australia, and the effects of feeding crude glycerol to growing-finishing pigs on performance, plasma metabolites and meat quality at slaughter
C. F. Hansen, A. Hernandez, B. P. Mullan, K. Moore, M. Trezona-Murray, R. H. King and J. R. Pluske
pp. 154-161
EA08167Effects of Australian strains of infectious bronchitis virus on internal and external quality of hen eggs
K. K. Chousalkar and J. R. Roberts
pp. 162-169
EA08167 Abstract | EA08167 Full Text | EA08167PDF (360 KB) Open Access Article
EA08189Variation in content of monomeric phenolics during the processing of grape seed and skin flours
J. Sun, G. G. Elena, H. X. Peng, Q. Guo, B. Yang and E. J. Zhu
pp. 170-175