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Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems
FOREWORD (Open Access)

Seed science in Australasia: regionally important, globally relevant

Lydia K. Guja A B * , Mark K. J. Ooi C , Sally L. Norton D , Damian Wrigley E F , Bradley Desmond E and Catherine A. Offord F
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A National Seed Bank, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

B Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (a joint venture between CSIRO and Parks Australia), Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

C Centre for Ecosystem Science, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.

D Australian Grains Genebank, Agriculture Victoria, Horsham, Vic. 3400, Australia.

E Australian Seed Bank Partnership, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

F Australian PlantBank, Botanic Gardens of Sydney, Mount Annan, NSW 2567, Australia.

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: John Morgan

Australian Journal of Botany 71(7) 319-325
Submitted: 1 September 2023  Accepted: 11 September 2023   Published: 2 November 2023

© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND)


The crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and food security are challenges faced by the conservation and agriculture sectors. We outline, via presentations from the Australasian Seed Science Conference, how seed science is addressing these challenges. Research is focused on practical solutions for seed bank management, seed use and biodiversity conservation. Emerging trends include understanding the role of seed microbiota on plant performance and the roles of seeds in society and culture.

Keywords: genebank, germplasm, plant conservation, restoration, seed biology, seed testing, seed traits, seedbank.


Seed science is fundamental to addressing global challenges including biodiversity loss, climate change, food security, sustainable development and restoration (Brussaard et al. 2010; Jarvis et al. 2010; Ceballos et al. 2017; Ripple et al. 2020; World Economic Forum 2020; Westwood et al. 2021; Goodale et al. 2023; Schmitz et al. 2023). Seed collection and storage, the supply of quality seeds at the right place and time, and developing our understanding of seed biology to inform conservation and food production are critical areas of research to address such challenges (Baskin and Baskin 2014; Walters and Pence 2021; Colville et al. 2022; Ooi et al. 2022).

Australasian Seed Science Conference (ASSC)

A snapshot of regional and international seed science was presented virtually from 6 to 10 September 2021 at the Australasian Seed Science Conference (ASSC), hosted by the Australian Seed Bank Partnership and Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra. The conference, attended by 425 participants from 34 countries, reflected the breadth of seed science globally. The academic programme of 7 keynotes, 61 presentations, 17 posters and 3 workshops highlighted enormous progress in the Australasian region since the inaugural conference in 2016 (Offord et al. 2017). The conference highlighted stronger information and technology exchange between the native seed and agricultural seed sectors.

This Special Issue of the Australian Journal of Botany presents a selection of papers from the ASSC highlighting current and emerging directions in seed science. Here, we summarise key conference themes and outline emerging directions and questions for future seed conservation and research across Australasia. Additional papers presented at ASSC have been published in a special issue of Australasian Plant Conservation, the quarterly bulletin of the Australian Network for Plant Conservation (volume 31(2)).

Key themes from the Australasian Seed Science Conference

Seed biology and evolutionary ecology

Recent reviews highlight numerous functional traits that can affect regeneration processes (Saatkamp et al. 2019). The ASSC demonstrated that understanding dormancy, germination and underlying functional traits are topical areas of research globally. The keynote presentation from Si-Chong Chen demonstrated trait functions across multiple scales. Chen uncovered how smaller seeds invest proportionally more biomass in protective tissues than larger seeds, in agreement with established ideas that small seeds may have advantages in physical defence. Recent studies of seed traits such as resting metabolic rate (Dalziell and Tomlinson 2017), polyploidy (Guja et al. 2021) and germination speed (Lewandrowski et al. 2021) are revolutionising our understanding of functional traits that shape plant reproductive strategies and seed longevity. Alvarez et al. (2023) explored plant and seed traits that may be related to heat wave responses; critical work given the increased frequency and severity of heat waves. Norton et al. (2021) demonstrated characterisation of traits or genes to enable selection for agricultural breeding programmes, and Barrero and Higgins (2021) identified traits that improved crop resilience to pests to advance agriculture and food production.

Research continues to investigate how germination or reproduction responses are related to multiple environmental factors such as temperature stress (Notarnicola et al. 2021), moisture stress (Emery et al. 2021; Schultz et al. 2021) and seasonal change (Rosbakh et al. 2021). These new insights show how the regeneration niche may contribute to species distribution under climate change. For example, Hoyle et al. (2023) demonstrated that light quality, which is likely to be altered by reduced cloud immersion, impacts the germination responses of tropical montane cloud forest species from far-north Qld. Coupled with innovative technology like temperature gradient plates (Collette et al. 2021), research can test multiple levels of factors and enable high resolution investigations of environmental drivers of germination. Such data are also requiring developments in statistical analysis methods as discussed in the workshop ‘Analysing Seed Data with R’ (Rosbakh et al. 2021).

The seed microbiome is an emerging research direction evident in global research (Nelson et al. 2018) and the ASSC programme. Mertin et al. (2023) synthesised seed microbiome findings for several native Australian species including potential significance and application to improve seedling establishment in conservation and restoration.

Seed and gene bank management

Reviews of the quantity or representativeness of collections stored (Westengen et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2018), and their physiological quality or viability (Liu et al. 2020), demonstrate that gene bank management practices are effective for conserving a large diversity of species long-term. Across nearly 1750 global gene banks that secure a significant proportion of the world’s biodiversity and crop diversity (Westengen et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2020; Walters and Pence 2021), further advances in collection management are required to ensure future needs are met, with research continuing to improve practices for a broader number of species and requirements.

Comparisons of different gene banks provide useful insights to guide future work (Hay and Probert 2013; Westengen et al. 2013) demonstrated by the keynote of Sally Norton and Elinor Breman, comparing agricultural (Australian Grains Genebank) and conservation facilities (Millennium Seed Bank). Improved methods to maximise seed quality and longevity are in development (Jawad et al. 2021; Abdul Rahman and Sohaimi 2021), and gene bank manager’s networks and toolkits are growing (Latifah et al. 2021; Cai et al. 2021; Crawford et al. 2021; Irawanto et al. 2021). Fundamental seed banking techniques, relevant to individual research and long-term conservation programmes, were shared in the ‘Seed banking 101’ workshop. Additionally, there are ongoing global efforts to share gene banking information (such as seed longevity or germination data) through aggregated databases (Liu et al. 2018; Falster et al. 2021; Fernández-Pascual et al. 2023). New technologies being trialed by many gene banks include digitisation and databasing of seed images (Kingsley 2021) coupled with machine learning and computer vision to assist in phenotyping and biosecurity (Schmidt-Lebuhn 2021).

The adaptability and diversity of Australasian flora tests the ingenuity of those engaged in plant conservation. Biological diversity drives a range of variations and responses to the standardised conditions currently employed in seed banking (Hu 2021; Funnekotter et al. 2021). Sommerville et al. (2023) provided a cautionary example demonstrating that some Australian rainforest species have seeds that are short-lived in standard storage conditions. New global frameworks have been developed for categorising such ‘exceptional species’, that require alternative methods beyond conventional seed banking (Pence et al. 2022a, 2022b). The application of alternatives to conventional seed storage across Australasian species is gaining momentum (Ballesteros and Pritchard 2021; Chong et al. 2021; Hardstaff et al. 2021), requiring an extension of ‘seed banking’ to encompass ex situ conservation more broadly. This was investigated in-depth through the Australian Academy of Science Fenner Conference on the Environment ‘Exceptional Times, Exceptional Plants’ (Martyn Yenson et al. 2023). A full range of ex situ methods will be needed to address the current rates of biodiversity loss.

Seed sourcing and end-use

Collecting viable and genetically diverse seeds, in the right amount and at the right time, is a critical aspect of gene banking that ensures seed can be used (Goodale et al. 2023). Research into seed sourcing and end use is increasingly focused on genetic diversity, restoration and translocation as well as sector-specific approaches to seed conservation and use.

The keynote presentation by Robert Henry highlighted rapid technical advances allowing application of genomic analysis to guide the collection and use of genetic resources, and utilisation of Australian plant resources in crop improvement and climate adaptation. Identifying the genetic basis of desirable plant traits enhances the ability to utilise these traits in breeding and production, building the case for genome sequencing of as many species as possible. Genetic analysis can also provide empirical data to develop targeted seed sampling strategies that capture as much new genetic diversity as possible in ex situ conservation. Van der Merwe et al. (2023) extend this, advocating for the storage of maternal lines to increase potential conservation applications. The utility of genetic analyses was demonstrated in biosecurity screening of imported crop seeds for virus detection (Maina et al. 2021).

The publication of key documents by the Australian Network for Plant Conservation illustrates how evidence-based guidelines such as the Florabank (Commander and Driver 2021) and Germplasm Guidelines (launched at the ASSC; Martyn Yenson et al. 2021) can support practitioners. Research can also support development of seed industry accreditation schemes such as the successful Western Australian-based example (Mikli 2021). Such guidelines are increasingly important given the scale of restoration occurring globally and regionally (Goodale et al. 2023). The need to produce large amounts of seed, and maximise the diversity of species available for restoration is critical (Gibson-Roy 2021), as is the need to provide seeds that will germinate and establish readily (Merritt et al. 2021; Ruiz Talonia 2021) or produce income for local communities (So and Jalonen 2021). Erickson et al. (2023) demonstrate the ability of research to better restore landscapes and species that face severe establishment constraints.

Seeds in culture and society

Although native wild plant species have been used by people for millennia, their introduction into broader scale agriculture is an emerging field (Benlioğlu and Adak 2019; Müller et al. 2021), including in Australasia (Jacob et al. 2021; Bell et al. 2021). Gene banks are exploring frameworks that promote two-way collaboration and respect Indigenous knowledge and culture (Janke 2021) and the keynote of Terry Janke demonstrated tangible ways to continue these developments. Gene banks also need to appropriately navigate access and benefit sharing under international conventions, as discussed by Brad Sherman in his keynote. This spirit of collaboration and sharing among community gardens, community organisations (Raneng and Pickering 2021; Sauer 2021) and seed banks has generated powerful partnerships (North et al. 2021), regional and national networks (Frost 2021; Wrigley 2021), and impactful international examples of safeguarding crop diversity and enabling reconstitution of collections. The example of the ICARDA genebank in Syria was detailed by Ola Westengen’s keynote (Westengen et al. 2020).

Sharing stories and learning about historical, socio-cultural and legal practices of seed conservation, use, exchange, repatriation, and access and benefit sharing (including collaborations between traditional use, community, and ex situ seed banks and gene banks) is a significant and growing area.

Seed and gene bank facilities and capability in Australia

Across Australia there are 14 major public seed and gene banks (Martyn Yenson et al. 2021; Fig. 1) estimated to hold over 300 000 accessions of over 14 000 species important for biodiversity conservation, agriculture and forestry. Growth in collaboration between agricultural, wild species genebanks, and broader cultural institutions is increasing (Martyn Yenson et al. 2021). This paves the way for establishment of greater networks across the region, including gene banks (agricultural, forestry, restoration) and access to expertise (technical and seed testing groups). As the network grows, opportunities for training and development will continue to build. The growth of the strong Early- to Mid-Career Researcher network in Australasian seed science has already resulted in significant and impactful research, as reviewed by Everingham et al. (2023).

Fig. 1.

Location of major ex situ conservation facilities for Australian flora, including Australian Seed Bank Partnership Partners, the Australian Grains Genebank and Australian Pastures Genebank (both storing crop wild relatives), and major forestry seed banks such as the Australian Tree Seed Centre (storing conservation collections of native species). (Source: Martyn Yenson et al. 2021; Wrigley and Desmond 2023).


Summary: seed science and conservation into the future

Seeds are fundamental to the conservation and restoration of threatened species and communities (Walters and Pence 2021), responses to climate change (Fernández-Pascual et al. 2019; Galluzzi et al. 2020), restoration of plant diversity (Goodale et al. 2023), and are the primary basis for human sustenance. Seed science, access to data generated from such research, and collaboration across disciplines are therefore critical to securing our future in a changing world (Breman et al. 2021). Research presented at the recent ASSC strongly focused on both the direct (e.g. temperature) and indirect impacts of climate change (e.g. shifting fire regimes, light quality, pest and disease patterns), and how seed traits may contribute to a better understanding of outcomes for both native and agricultural species. A novel aspect of current research is the incorporation of understudied seed traits, multiple environmental factors and their interactions, many of which will inform understanding of the regeneration niche and management under climate change. Also emerging, is the utilisation of agricultural knowledge of characters such as ploidy, seed physiology or the seed microbiome, creating new understanding of persistence and conservation of wild species. New techniques such as cryopreservation for ‘exceptional’ and other significant species are predicted to increase, alongside the application of digitisation and machine learning tools for seed identification and collection management. Genetic improvements through plant breeding and production are a focus for improving seed sourcing or end use. Alongside research, is the growing need for the development of seed accreditation schemes to enable improved restoration and biodiversity outcomes, and new ways to scale up seed production for native plant species. Interest in native plant species to transform agriculture is also increasing, providing opportunities to co-design projects and highlight Indigenous knowledge. It will be imperative that developments include culturally appropriate collection of information and germplasm, while strengthening application of policies such as the Nagoya Protocol.

Trends such as these lead to several clear questions for future work. These include: (1) seed biology – which seed traits are important for improving our prediction of plant species’ responses to shifting climatic and disturbance conditions, and subsequent community assemblage and structure? Does interaction between seed traits and other trophic groups, for example within the seed microbiome, have implications for seedling establishment and population persistence? Which seed traits are important for understanding seed storage behaviour? (2) Seed bank management – how can we improve information exchange among diverse gene banks? How can new technologies help streamline collection management or characterise new traits? (3) Seed end use – how can we identify and utilise genetic traits for conservation, plant breeding and plant production? How can we sustainably collect and store gene bank accessions and data to increase utility and facilitate use? (4) Seeds in culture and society – how can we effectively translate new science into practice? How do we store and use seeds and germplasm in culturally appropriate or sensitive ways?.

Conflicts of interest

The authors are guest editors of this special issue of Australian Journal of Botany. To mitigate this potential conflicts of interest they did not at any stage have editor-level access to this manuscript while in peer review.

Declaration of funding

This research did not receive any specific funding. Support for the authors of this paper was provided by their respective organisations.


This article is a direct outcome of the Australian Seed Bank Partnership’s (ASBP) Australasian Seed Science Conference, virtually hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra in 2021. The Conference programme was developed by the scientific committee (Offord, Guja, Norton, Nicotra, Merritt, Ooi, Barrero, Whitehouse, Everingham, Adhikari, Wrigley and Desmond). The event was planned by the organising committee (Norton, Guja, Offord, Wrigley, Whitehouse, Guerin, Adhikari, Hoyle and Desmond) and the conference delivery partners Arinex. Amelia Martyn Yenson provided valuable feedback on an early draft of the manuscript.


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