Exploration Geophysics
Volume 30 Numbers 1 & 2 1999
EG999027A calibration range in South-Eastern Australia for airborne gamma-ray spectrometers
B.R.S. Minty, T. Mackey and R.L. Grasty
pp. 27-32
EG999033The use of fractal dimension estimators for enhancing airborne magnetic data
T. Dhu, M.C. Dentith and R.R. Hillis
pp. 33-37
EG999038Multiscale edge analysis of potential field data
N. Archibald, P. Gow and F. Boschetti
pp. 38-44
EG999045Application of neural networks to identify lithofacies from well logs
Y. Zhang, H.A. Salisch and J.G. McPherson
pp. 45-49
EG999050Structure of the highly mineralised late-Archaean granitoid-greenstone terrain and the underlying crust in the Kambalda-Widgiemooltha area, Western Australia, from the integration of geophysical datasets
M. House, M. Dentith, A. Trench, D. Groves and D. Miller
pp. 50-67
EG999076Geophysical exploration for gold in Gansu Province, China
W. Guo, M.C. Dentith, J. Xu and F. Ren
pp. 76-82