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Australian Health Review Australian Health Review Society
Journal of the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association

Enabling clinician engagement in safety and quality improvement

Sarah Fischer A B , Karen Patterson A and Carrie Marr A
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- Author Affiliations

A Clinical Excellence Commission, Level 3, 1 Reserve Road, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia. Email:;

B Corresponding author: Email:

Australian Health Review 45(4) 455-462
Submitted: 25 June 2020  Accepted: 9 November 2020   Published: 1 April 2021

Journal Compilation © AHHA 2021 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND


Objective The aim of this study was to determine how individual, group and leadership factors influence clinician engagement in safety and quality improvement work.

Methods The study was conducted through an online questionnaire. Participants were alumni of Australian healthcare safety and quality improvement capability development programs. Relationships between five factors influencing clinicians’ perception of value for time and effort in safety and quality improvement work were explored. The five factors were psychological empowerment; task cohesion; social cohesion; transformational leadership behaviour of project leads and sponsors; and value for time and effort for self and patients. Correlation and regression analyses were used to explore the aspects of the hypothesised model. Moderation and mediation analysis was then used to explore the relationships further. Structural equation modelling was used to determine the path model.

Results All factors showed strong positive correlations, with psychological empowerment and transformational leadership having the strongest relationships with perceived value for effort for self and patient. The factorial structure of measures was examined, and all indicators loaded significantly on their corresponding latent constructs and the model showed a good fit to the data.

Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that the most crucial factor to clinician engagement in safety and quality improvement at the point of care is the leader’s behaviour and how that influences team dynamics and individual motivation and empowerment.

What is known about the topic? Healthcare organisations remain challenged regarding clinician engagement in safety and quality improvement. Although much is known about clinicians’ perceptions of safety and quality, there is more to understand about what practically motivates clinicians to engage. Tapping into individual, group and leadership factors’ influences on clinician engagement offers a deeper perspective.

What does this paper add? This study explored the individual, group and leadership factors that drive clinician engagement. The factors include the clinician’s individual motivation and empowerment to participate, the group dynamics that surround the clinician and the leadership behaviours of the team’s leader. The research design allowed for greater understanding about how and to what extent these factors drive clinician engagement. The study’s findings can be applied in practice in capability development activities or leadership for safety and quality improvement.

What are the implications for practitioners? Rather than taking a perspective that the clinician needs to engage, this study suggests a strong onus on leadership behaviours to engage those clinicians. Focusing on the self as leader and a leader’s own behaviours, as well as how those behaviours are fostering positive team dynamics and motivating and empowering individual team members, will have a great benefit on clinician engagement in safety and quality improvement. Higher clinical engagement in safety and quality improvement should translate into better value care.

Keywords: patient safety, quality improvement, motivation, empowerment, leadership, teamwork.


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