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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Australian Journal of Zoology

Australian Journal of Zoology

Australian Journal of Zoology is an international journal covering the evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology of Australasian fauna. Read more about the journalMore

Editor-in-Chief: Paul Cooper

Publishing Model: Hybrid. Open Access options available.

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These articles are the latest published in the journal. Australian Journal of Zoology has moved to a continuous publication model. More information is available on our Continuous Publication page.

White flash camera-trap image of feral cat.

It is widely believed that white flash camera-traps negatively impact feral cat behaviour, leading wildlife managers to favour infrared cameras, despite a lack of published evidence to support these concerns. We investigated the impact of flash type on feral cat behaviour and found no evidence that feral cats avoid white flash cameras. Researchers aiming to individually identify feral cats should consider utilising white flash, which produces colour images of higher quality, while maintaining an equivalent capture rate to infrared cameras. Image credit to Barry W. Brook and Jessie C. Buettel.

Published online 10 September 2024

ZO24008An assessment of dingo ancestry in camp dogs in Western Australia

T. L. Kreplins 0000-0002-6439-7858, D. Stephens, N. Laing and C. Oskam

Camp dogs in grassland near eucalyptus trees in Western Australia.

Hybridisation of dingoes occurs as domestic dogs and dingoes are the same species, Canis familiaris. An assessment of camp dogs or dogs that reside in rural and remote communities found very little dingo ancestry. Based on these samples camp dogs are not of high concern when it comes to conserving dingo purity in Western Australia. Image by Dr Nicole Laing.

Published online 27 June 2024

ZO23039Movements and habitat use of painted button-quail, Turnix varius, in tropical savanna of northern Queensland

Patrick T. D. Webster 0000-0002-5719-5967, N. P. Leseberg 0000-0001-6233-2236, S. A. Murphy 0000-0001-7008-6303 and J. E. M. Watson 0000-0003-4942-1984

A photograph of painted button-quail with a GPS tracker.

The painted button-quail, Turnix varius, is a common and widespread Australian bird species; however, aspects of its basic autecology are poorly known. Here, we GPS tracked painted button-quail throughout the wet and dry seasons of northern Queensland. We have described the seasonal movements and habitat use of this species throughout these seasonal cycles. Photograph by Patrick Webster.

Published online 13 May 2024

ZO23044Pedipalp anatomy of the Australian black rock scorpion, Urodacus manicatus, with implications for functional morphology

Russell D. C. Bicknell 0000-0001-8541-9035, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Christopher H. R. Goatley, Glen Charlton and John R. Paterson

Pedipalps of the Australian black rock scorpion, Urodacus manicatus.

We examine the pedipalps of the Australian black rock scorpion using microcomputed tomography, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and live pinch force measurements. We recognise 25 muscle groups within the pedipalp and, through documentation of the cuticular microstructure and composition, as well as pinch force values, demonstrate the robust and powerful nature of these appendages that is congruent with the style of prey capture and processing of this sit-and-wait predator. Photograph by R. Bicknell.

Photograph of the brown tree frog (Litoria ewingii).

Three species of the brown tree-frog group are remarkably hard to tell apart, hindering our knowledge of them. Advertisement calls collected from the entire range of each species were analysed. We created a call key to reliably tell each species apart on the basis of main differing characteristics, namely note shape, notes per call and the positions of the longest and shortest notes. This makes it significantly easier to map species distributions, aiding conservation efforts. Photograph by Dr Jodi Rowley.

Published online 03 May 2024

ZO23030Sexual dimorphism and reproductive biology of commercially harvested oriental rat snakes (Ptyas mucosa: Colubridae) from West Java

Amir Hamidy, Evy Arida, Noor Laina Maireda, Alamsyah Elang Nusa Herlambang, Awal Riyanto, Mumpuni , Richard Shine and Daniel J. D. Natusch 0000-0002-3275-518X

An oriental rat snake (Ptyas mucosa).

The heavily exploited oriental rat snake is common across much of Asia. Despite its economic and ecological importance, little is known about its biology or the sustainability of the harvest. Dissection of 216 commercially collected snakes from West Java and comparison with a sample taken 25 years previously shows that the harvest is based mainly on adults and is likely sustainable. Sustainability is enhanced by the snake’s rapid growth, early maturation, high reproductive output, and ability to exploit available resources. Photograph by Nathan Rusli.

The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus).

The iconic koala population in Australia faces alarming decline due to human-induced threats. This study analyses koala admissions to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, revealing that dangerous areas and motor vehicle accidents account for almost half of the cases. Additionally, diseases like chlamydia pose a significant risk, particularly for mature koalas. Urgent action is needed to address these anthropogenic impacts, emphasising public education, reporting, and disease management. These findings provide crucial insights to conserve and protect this beloved Australian species. Photograph from

Published online 19 April 2024

ZO23045A southern range extension for Sminthopsis macroura in Western Australia, at Eucla

Linette S. Umbrello 0000-0003-2769-8464, Nathan Beerkens 0009-0004-6956-5277, Joshua Keen 0009-0008-3141-048X, Sylvie Schmidt 0009-0006-4298-7132, Roy J. Teale 0000-0002-5132-6508, Kenny J. Travouillon 0000-0003-1734-4742, Michael Westerman 0000-0002-6762-4470 and Andrew M. Baker 0000-0001-8825-1522

The stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura) captured at Eucla

A suspected stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura) was captured at a coastal dune site near Eucla, Western Australia. The identity of the specimen was corroborated through DNA sequencing and morphological examination. This represents a range extension into novel habitat for the species in southern Western Australia. Photograph by Joshua Keen, Biota Environmental Sciences.

Close-up photograph from ground level of a wild eastern longneck turtle facing the camera.

Reptile physiology is heavily influenced by a range of external factors, one of which is environment. In this investigation it was shown that turtles originating from two different ponds, separated by only 200 m, had significantly different blood parameters and body conditions. This research highlights the need to consider location when assessing health and physiology in reptile species. Photograph by Titus Franciscus Scheelings.

Published online 09 April 2024

ZO23048The parasites of free-ranging terrestrial wildlife from Australia’s south-west

Amy S. Northover 0000-0001-8796-1522, Stephanie S. Godfrey, Alan J. Lymbery, Adrian F. Wayne, Sarah Keatley, Amanda Ash, Dazlyn Badsha, Siobhon L. Egan 0000-0003-4395-4069, James Barr and R. C. Andrew Thompson

Trypanosoma copemani (top left), Pygiopsylla tunneyi (bottom left) and a woylie (Bettongia penicillata) (right).

Knowledge regarding the parasites infecting threatened fauna, their ecological importance, or their ability to cause disease, is often lacking. Here we summarise the parasite taxa isolated from the critically endangered woylie (Bettongia penicillata) and other sympatric species including the brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) and chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii) during two fauna translocations in south-western Australia. Several new host–parasite associations were identified, and we now have a greater understanding of the parasites infecting terrestrial wildlife within this Global Biodiversity Hotspot. Photograph by Sarah Keatley (top left), Amanda Ash (bottom left) and Amy Northover (right).

Published online 28 March 2024

ZO23042Lovers in strange places: amphibian calling and amplexus detected in tidal mangrove creeks after rainfall

John Gould 0000-0002-1206-1316, Chad Beranek, Kate Schmahl, Rachael Donelly, Lynne Matthews, Alex Callen and Colin McHenry

The green and golden bell frog, Litoria aurea.

Temporary freshwater lenses that form in saltwater environments after heavy rainfall provide unique ecological opportunities for species. We present evidence of an Australian amphibian engaging in breeding activities, including calling and amplexus, in tidal mangrove creeks that have been flushed by rainwater. Freshwater lenses may be advantageous for amphibian offspring by reducing exposure to predators found in more permanent freshwater ponds, but at the expense of an increased risk of mortality due to salt exposure from tidal influences. Photograph by John Gould.

Published online 21 March 2024

ZO23043Do sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) call the weather?

Marissa L. Gillies and Culum Brown 0000-0002-0210-1820

Sulphur-crested cockatoos emit a ‘rain call’ during periods of bad weather and more commonly at dawn.

Animals should be able to predict the arrival of storms in order to better prepare for them and may share this information amongst group members. Storms are often associated with changes in environmental variables such as barometric pressure and relative humidity. We found that sulphur-crested cockatoos emit a ‘rain call’ during periods of bad weather and this call was more common at dawn, during lower temperatures, during periods of high humidity and while it was currently raining. Photograph by Marissa Gillies.

The hooded plover, Thinornis rubricollis.

Admissions data from wildlife hospitals are valuable for investigating threats and challenges impacting local wildlife. This study analyses admissions to the Philip Island Wildlife Hospital, and reveals that avian species constitute the majority of admissions, followed by mammals. Overall, 59.1% of admissions resulted in mortality. The findings emphasise the impact of tourism on wildlife populations and the urgent need for targeted conservation strategies on Phillip Island. Photograph by Endangered Species Supporters (2023).

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The Australian Journal of Zoology presents this collection of 15 important papers that support and amplify key themes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically targeting Life on Land (SDG 15) and Life Below Water (SDG 14). In this collection, the focus is exclusively on two groups of vertebrates: frogs and turtles, representing critical components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Collection Editor
Paul Cooper (Australian National University)

Last Updated: 22 Mar 2024

Committee on Publication Ethics

AJZ Award winner

Tyler Lepan has been awarded the AJZ Best Student Paper Award for 2022.
