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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

Maximising the use of Induced Polarisation 2D Smooth-model Inversions

William Robertson and John Hart

ASEG Special Publications 2003(2) 1 - 4
Published: 2003


In this paper a line of dipole-dipole data, from the Prominent Hill Deposit, will be used to show that with minimum time and effort a more suitable inversion model can be produced that improves the geophysicists interpretation. Inversions of forward models are used to support the interpretation and to help refine inversion parameters. The use of default parameters in an induced polarisation (IP) and resistively inversion programs should be considered the first stage and not the final outcome. The initial inversion model should be assessed critically and compared with the observed data. The inversion should be re-run adjusting default parameters to produce a better inversion. Areas of complex geology tend to produce IP responses that are complex due to the interaction of multiple sources. The recognition and interpretation of these complex features are essential in designing a drill program to successfully test the sources.

© ASEG 2003

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