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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

New Insights into the Petroleum Potential of the Onshore Otway Basin, Victoria Australia

Lucas McLean-Hodgson and Bruce McConachie

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016(1) 1 - 6
Published: 2016


A seismic attribute study was conducted over a subset of data located in the onshore area of the Otway Basin, Victoria. Attributes were developed from the original legacy processed seismic data including energy and frequency attributes. With investigation and analysis it was possible to identify an amplitude anomaly with multiple stacked attribute anomalies directly related to reservoir levels with observed hydrocarbon shows from legacy well data close to the structure. This study combined with a new independent evaluation of the exploration potential revealing thickening and extension of an excellent reservoir and indications of trapped hydrocarbons that have previously gone unnoticed on data acquired in the 1980’s.

Evaluation of the well data identified a thick sequence of stacked sandstones representing a facies change of the lower Eumeralla Fm. Identification of anomalous energy and frequency and combined with a neural network chimney model that demonstrates a gas cloud overlying the reservoir interval; presents a clear target for further evaluation.

Seismic mapping identified potential closure from a coarse 2D seismic grid. The nearby Greenslopes-1 well, located in a highly structured zone, represents high risk leak potential from migrated hydrocarbons and was drilled in a zone of low seal potential. This well however, provides an excellent test of the good quality reservoir potential at the level of the interpreted anomalous energy and frequency attributes.

Deterministic volumetrics of the prospect assuming a 70% recovery factor estimate recoverable gas volumes of 108 BCF. If a 10 barrel/MMCF ratio is assumed for condensate then the estimated recoverable condensate volume is estimated at 1.08 MMBBL. The overlying gas cloud potentially indicates significant liquids enrichment and it is likely the reservoir contains a fully saturated hydrocarbon charge.

Due to the current moratorium for onshore oil and gas drilling in Victoria the target will undergo further evaluation to assess the oil potential.

© ASEG 2016

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