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The Rangeland Journal The Rangeland Journal Society
Journal of the Australian Rangeland Society

Patterns of waterbird use in wetlands of the Paroo, A river system of inland Australia.

MT Maher and LW Braithwaite

The Rangeland Journal 14(2) 128 - 142
Published: 1992


The significance of inland wetlands to Australian waterbirds has been overlooked until recently. One important area identified from regular aerial survey centres on the Paroo River in north-western New South Wales. Between April 1983 and December 1985, a period covering a major flood, waterbird populations were estimated on five wetland systems associated with the Paroo during 14 trips. Fifty- three waterbird species were recorded with the anatids, Anas gibberifrons and Malacorhynchus membranaceus, accounting for 75 per cent of total estimated populations. Most breeding events were observed in those wetlands dominated by Muehlenbeckia florulenta (lignum). Breeding accounted for shifts in waterbird populations between wetland systems. A model of waterbird usage of the five wetland systems in relation to a complete flood event is described. The importance for waterbird conservation of wetlands used for breeding and maintenance of populations between flood events, and threats to the integrity of these wetlands are discussed.

© ARS 1992

Committee on Publication Ethics

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