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Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

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Road upgrade, road mortality and remedial measures: impacts on a population of eastern quolls and Tasmanian devils

Menna E. Jones
27(3) pp.289 - 296

122 articles found in Crossref database.

Is it possible to monitor mammal population changes from counts of road traffic casualties? An analysis using Bristol's red foxes Vulpes vulpes as an example
Mammal Review. 2004 34(1-2). p.115
Accidents alter animal fitness landscapes
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Quantifying range decline and remaining populations of the large marsupial carnivore of Australia’s tropical rainforest
Uzqueda Adriana, Burnett Scott, Bertola Lorenzo V, Hoskin Conrad J, Schooley Robert
Journal of Mammalogy. 2020 101(4). p.1021
When road‐kill hotspots do not indicate the best sites for road‐kill mitigation
Zimmermann Teixeira Fernanda, Kindel Andreas, Hartz Sandra Maria, Mitchell Scott, Fahrig Lenore, Cadotte Marc
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2017 54(5). p.1544
The impact on native herpetofauna due to traffic collision at the interface between a suburban area and the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area: an ecological disaster?
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Australian Zoologist. 2011 35(4). p.1040
Feral Deer in the Suburbs: An Emerging Issue for Australia?
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Mammal use of undercrossings is influenced by openness and proximity to riparian corridors
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Distribution and abundance of roadkill on Tasmanian highways: human management options
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A review of ecological factors promoting road use by mammals
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Patterns and composition of medium and large vertebrate roadkill, based on six annual surveys along two adjoining highways in south-eastern Queensland, Australia
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Three decades of wildlife-vehicle collisions in a protected area: Main roads and long-distance commuting trips to migratory prey increase spotted hyena roadkills in the Serengeti
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How many frogs are killed on a road in North-east New South Wales?
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Road effects on abundance and fitness of Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus albemarlensis)
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Integrative assessment of immunity, health-state, growth and survival of Magellanic penguin chicks in a colony exposed to ecotourism
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Can linear transportation infrastructure verges constitute a habitat and/or a corridor for vertebrates in temperate ecosystems? A systematic review
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Bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) use drainage culverts to cross roads
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Cats, cars, and crossings: The consequences of road networks for the conservation of an endangered felid
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Evidence of rapid population decline of the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) in Tasmania
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Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(2). p.195
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A review of mitigation measures for reducing wildlife mortality on roadways
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Are protected areas truly protected? The impact of road traffic on vertebrate fauna
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Use of anthropogenic linear features by two medium-sized carnivores in reserved and agricultural landscapes
Andersen Georgina E., Johnson Christopher N., Barmuta Leon A., Jones Menna E.
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American and Australasian Marsupials (2023)
Lindenmayer David B., Dickman Christopher R.
Annual and seasonal patterns in wildlife road-kill and their relationship with traffic density
Sadleir Richard MFS, Linklater Wayne L
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2016 43(3). p.275
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Kang Wanmo, Choi Taeyoung, Kim GoWoon, Woo Donggul, Ferreras Pablo
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Integrated risk factors for vertebrate roadkill in southern Ontario
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The risks of using “species-specific” PCR assays in wildlife research: The case of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) identification in Tasmania
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Using DNA barcode to relate landscape attributes to small vertebrate roadkill
Rodríguez-Castro Karen Giselle, Ciocheti Giordano, Ribeiro John Wesley, Ribeiro Milton Cezar, Galetti Pedro Manoel
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Road mortality reduces survival and population growth rates of tammar wallabies on Garden Island, Western Australia
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Colliding human–animal trajectories (road kill!) on a Tasmanian journey
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Living in human-modified landscapes narrows the dietary niche of a specialised mammalian scavenger
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Roadkill mitigation: trialing virtual fence devices on the west coast of Tasmania
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Optimal planning for mitigating the impacts of roads on wildlife
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Not waiting for the death knell: a pilot study to examine supplementation and survivorship in a declining population of Tasmanian eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus)
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Comparative landscape genetics reveals differential effects of environment on host and pathogen genetic structure in Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) and their transmissible tumour
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