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1080 aerial baiting for the control of wild dogs and its impact on spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) populations in eastern Australia

Gerhard Körtner
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Biodiversity, Conservation and Science Section, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, c/- Zoology, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. Present address: Centre for Behavioural and Physiological Ecology, Zoology, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. Email:

Wildlife Research 34(1) 48-53
Submitted: 20 June 2006  Accepted: 12 January 2007   Published: 27 February 2007


To further investigate the non-target impact of baiting using sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) to control wild dogs, a population of radio-collared spotted-tailed quolls was subject to an experimental aerial baiting exercise. The trial was conducted at a site on the New England Tablelands, New South Wales, without a recent history of that practice. Sixteen quolls were trapped and radio-collared before baiting. Fresh meat baits were delivered from a helicopter at a rate of 10–40 baits km–1. In addition to 1080 (4.2 mg), each bait contained the bait marker rhodamine B (50 mg), which becomes incorporated into growing hair if an animal survives bait consumption. Two quoll mortalities were recorded following aerial baiting. Both quolls died 3–5 weeks after baiting when baits, on average, retained little 1080. None of the carcasses contained traces of 1080, but the test result is less reliable for the quoll that was found 19 days after its death although tissue was well preserved because of the cool weather. Nevertheless, given that this animal died 34 days after bait delivery, it appears likely that none of the radio-collared quolls succumbed to baiting. In contrast, vibrissae samples collected from 19 quolls captured after the baiting showed that 68% had eaten baits and survived. Furthermore, multiple bait takes were common, with up to six baits consumed by one female. The results demonstrate that most, if not all, quolls survived the baiting trial, including those that consumed dog baits. Hence bait consumption figures per se are not indicative of mortality rates attributable to poisoning.


The project was overseen by a steering committee, which comprised members from the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), NSW Department of Lands, Armidale Rural Lands Protection Board, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, NSW Farmers’ Association and the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia. I am grateful for the assistance of Peter Watson during the fieldwork and thankful for the active support from DEC staff, the Jeogla Wild Dog Control Association, the Armidale Rural Lands Protection Board, NSW State Forests (now part of the DPI) and the University of New England. I thank Harold and Shirley Heffernan for providing accommodation, Scott Bowers for flying the helicopter, Barbara Vanselow and Alan Jackson for performing the post-mortems, David Fairbridge from Vertebrate Pest Research Department, Victorian Institute of Animal Science, Department of Primary Industries for conducting the rhodamine B analyses and the Alan Fletcher Research Station for the 1080 assays on the baits and quoll carcasses. The project was funded by DEC and a grant from the NSW Department of Lands. Baiting trials were approved by DPI and by DEC following a Conservation Risk Assessment. Further licences were issued by the DEC Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC No. 030915/02), DEC Wildlife Licensing (S10642), Special Purpose Permit, Forestry Commission of NSW (Styx River State Forest, No. 22138), Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority (Ref. No. 8232) and Department of Environment and Heritage under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Ref. 2005/1962).


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