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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Chronic Illness and Ethnicity

Cas O'Neill, Gerry Silk, Gillian Lowe, Renee Lee, Sultan Cinar, Hong Nguyen and Binh Ngo

Australian Journal of Primary Health 6(2) 94 - 101
Published: 2000


The expectations which both consumers and service providers bring to health care relationships are based on ethnicity and culture, as well as on individual and family characteristics, education and social circumstances. This article looks at the relationship between ethnicity and prevalence of illness; the interplay between ethnicity and social disadvantage; some cultural meanings attributed to illness; and how meanings may affect treatment. Four accounts are given of how two chronic illnesses - asthma and diabetes - may be viewed within the Timorese, Chinese, Turkish and Vietnamese communities.

© La Trobe University 2000

Committee on Publication Ethics

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