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Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

A phylogeny of the family Fanniidae Schnabl (Insecta : Diptera : Calyptratae) based on adult morphological characters, with special reference to the Austral species of the genus Fannia

M. C. Domínguez A B and S. A. Roig-Juñent A
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A Laboratorio de Entomología (IADIZA-CONICET), CC: 507, CP: 5500. Mendoza, Argentina.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Invertebrate Systematics 22(5) 563-587
Submitted: 11 January 2008  Accepted: 4 July 2008   Published: 4 December 2008


The present study proposed a phylogenetic hypothesis of the family Fanniidae based on a cladistic analysis using characters from adult external morphology and female and male terminalia. The main purpose of this study was to clarify the phylogenetic position of newly described or poorly known species, mostly from southern South America, the Neotropics, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In total, 151 characters from adult male and female external morphology and terminalia were scored for 78 species of Fanniidae. Ten continuous characters were included and analysed as such. Three genera of Fanniidae and all the species-groups and subgroups proposed for the genus Fannia, except for the admirabilis-group and the setifer-subgroup were included as terminal taxa. An heuristic parsimony analysis under implied weights was performed. The analysis recovered the monophyly of the Fanniidae and the genus Fannia, as well as the monophyly of several species-groups within Fannia. Male and female external morphological characters were, in general, highly homoplasious, whereas characters from male terminalia showed low level of homoplasy and provided resolution at suprageneric nodes and species-groups.


We thank FONCyT (PICT 0111120) Diversidad de artrópodos de ambientes montanos del Centro Oeste de Argentina; CONICET Doctoral and Postdoctoral grants to M.C.D; Awards for advanced studies in the U. K. Fundación Antorchas and the British Council to M.C.D. Adrian C. Pont for sharing his knowlegde on fanniid taxonomy, help and advice. Pablo A. Goloboff and Claudia Szumik for help and advice. Judy Boshoven and Nelida Horak for their help with the English. Adriana Marvaldi and Federico Ocampo for reading drafts of this manuscript. We would like to thank the following people for access to specimens: David Grimaldi (AMNH), Nigel P. Wyatt (BMNH), Jaime Solerviscens (CEUM), Jorge N. Artigas (CEUC), Claudio José Barros de Carvalho (DZUP), Guillermo Claps (FIML), Philip P. Parrillo (FMNH), Eduardo Lecuona (CICVYA), Uwe Kallweit (SMTD), Axel O. Bachmann (MACN), Mario Elgueta (MNHN), Norma Díaz (MLP), Luca Bartolozzi (MZLS), Trevor K. Crosby (NZAC), George McGavin (UMO), Raymond J. Gagné (USNMNH) and Hella Wendt (ZMHU).


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Appendix 1.  Species included in the cladistic analysis and their main geographical distribution according to Chillcott (1961), Pont (1977), Crosskey (1980), Albuquerque et al. (1981), Pont and Carvalho (1994), Carvalho et al. (1993, 2003), Rozkošný et al. (1997), Moores and Savage (2005) and Domínguez (2007)
Click to zoom

Appendix 2.   Data matrix – Continuous morphological characters
Note: polymorphic entries: a = (01), b = (12), c = (23). Inaplicable data = ‘-’ and missing data = ‘?’
Click to zoom

Appendix 2 cont.   Data matrix – Discrete morphological characters
Note: polymorphic entries: a = (01), b = (12), c = (23). Inaplicable data = ‘-’ and missing data = ‘?’
Click to zoom

Appendix 3.  Homoplasy for each character, expressed as units of fit
Click to zoom

Appendix 4.  List of changes
Click to zoom