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Invertebrate Systematics Invertebrate Systematics Society
Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

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Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomic reanalysis of the family Mithracidae MacLeay (Decapoda : Brachyura : Majoidea)

Amanda M. Windsor A B C and Darryl L. Felder A
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Department of Biology, PO Box 42451, Lafayette, LA 70504, USA.

B National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Invertebrate Systematics 28(2) 145-173
Submitted: 17 March 2013  Accepted: 22 November 2013   Published: 30 May 2014

43 articles found in Crossref database.

Morphology of the larval stages of Pitho aculeata (Gibbes, 1850) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majoidea) and its implications on the taxonomic position of the genus
Santana William, Colavite Jessica, Bolaños Juan, Hernández Jesús E., Canepa Miguel
Marine Biology Research. 2016 12(8). p.854
Phylogeography and phylogeny of the genus Acanthonyx (Decapoda, Epialtidae) in the north‐east Atlantic and Mediterranean
Tavares Ana I., Cabezas M. Pilar, Xavier Raquel, Branco Madalena, Lima Fernando P., Seabra Rui, Ribeiro Pedro A., Lopes Evandro P., Santos António M.
Zoologica Scripta. 2017 46(5). p.571
Functional morphology of the seminal receptacle of Mithrax, Mithraculus and Omalacantha spider crabs (Brachyura: Mithracidae)
Assugeni C.O., Zara F.J.
Tissue and Cell. 2022 76 p.101806
Reproductive performance in a phyletic dwarf, the spider crab Petramithrax pygmaeus (Bell, 1836) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Mithracidae)
Fields Joshua T, Mullen Hayden K, Kroenke Clayr M, Salomon Kyla A, Craft Abby J, Conrad Isabelle E, Baeza J Antonio
Journal of Crustacean Biology. 2020 40(3). p.325
Mitochondrial genome of the Caribbean king crab Damithrax spinosissimus (Lamarck, 1818) (Decapoda: Majidae)
Márquez Edna J., Hurtado-Alarcón Julio C., Isaza Juan P., Alzate Juan F., Campos Néstor H.
Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2016 27(3). p.1724
First zoeal stage of Macrocoeloma subparallelum (Stimpson, 1860) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) described from laboratory hatched material
Colavite Jéssica, López Regulo, Hernández Jesús, Bolaños Juan, Santana William
Nauplius. 2016 24(0).
Checklist of the shallow-water marine Brachyura (Crustacea: Decapoda) of Barbados, West Indies
Zootaxa. 2023 5314(1). p.1
Molecular phylogeny of Thoe Bell, 1836 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majoidea)
Colavite Jessica, Windsor Amanda Marie, Moraes Isabela Ribeiro Rocha, Mollemberg Michelle, Lianos Laira, Castilho Antônio Leão, Santana William
Nauplius. 2022 30
Caribbean king crab larvae and juveniles show tolerance to ocean acidification and ocean warming
Gravinese Philip M., Perry Shelby A., Spadaro Angelo Jason, Boyd Albert E., Enochs Ian C.
Marine Biology. 2022 169(5).
A new subfamily classification of the highly diversified Dorippidae H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Dorippoidea), using morphological, molecular and palaeotonlogical data, with special emphasis on its unique female reproductive system
Guinot Danièle
Zoosystema. 2023 45(9).
SEM studies on first and second gonopod morphology in Mithracidae (Decapoda: Brachyura)
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Nauplius. 2021 29
Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of spider crabs, family Mithracidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura): Integrative analyses based on morphological and molecular data
Assugeni Camila de O., Magalhães Tatiana, Bolaños Juan A., Tudge Christopher C., Mantelatto Fernando L., Zara Fernando J.
Journal of Morphology. 2017 278(12). p.1628
Morphological analysis of the female reproductive system of Stenorhynchus seticornis (Brachyura: Inachoididae) and comparisons with other Majoidea
Antunes Mariana, Zara Fernando José, López‐Greco Laura S., Negreiros‐Fransozo Maria Lucia
Invertebrate Biology. 2016 135(2). p.75
Potential use of the Caribbean spider crab Maguimithrax spinosissimus for biofouling removal on marine aquaculture cages
Zeinert Logan R., Brooks Annabelle M.L., Couturier Cyr, McGaw Iain J.
Aquaculture. 2021 545 p.737202
Convergent Adaptation of True Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) to a Gradient of Terrestrial Environments
Wolfe Joanna M, Ballou Lauren, Luque Javier, Watson-Zink Victoria M, Ahyong Shane T, Barido-Sottani Joëlle, Chan Tin-Yam, Chu Ka Hou, Crandall Keith A, Daniels Savel R, Felder Darryl L, Mancke Harrison, Martin Joel W, Ng Peter K L, Ortega-Hernández Javier, Palacios Theil Emma, Pentcheff N Dean, Robles Rafael, Thoma Brent P, Tsang Ling Ming, Wetzer Regina, Windsor Amanda M, Bracken-Grissom Heather D, Wright April
Systematic Biology. 2024 73(2). p.247
A phylogenomic framework, evolutionary timeline and genomic resources for comparative studies of decapod crustaceans
Wolfe Joanna M., Breinholt Jesse W., Crandall Keith A., Lemmon Alan R., Lemmon Emily Moriarty, Timm Laura E., Siddall Mark E., Bracken-Grissom Heather D.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2019 286(1901). p.20190079
Larval development of the Caribbean king crabMaguimithrax spinosissimus(Lamarck, 1818), the largest brachyuran in the western Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapoda: Majoidea)
Turini Tassia, Colavite Jéssica, Bolaños Juan A., Hernández Jesús Enrique, Baeza Juan Antonio, Santana William
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2021 101(3). p.577
Formal re-establishment of Macrocheiridae Dana, 1851 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) for the giant spider crabMacrocheira kaempferi(Temminck, 1836) based on a reappraisal of morphological and genetic characters
Guinot Danièle, Davie Peter J F, Tsang Ling Ming, Ng Peter K L
Journal of Crustacean Biology. 2022 42(2).
Archaeochiapasidae n. fam., a new early Cenomanian brachyuran family from Chiapas, Mexico, new hypothesis on Lecythocaridae Schweitzer & Feldmann, 2009, and phylogenetic implications (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Eubrachyura)
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Geodiversitas. 2019 41(1). p.285
Three new species and a new genus of majoid crabs from the eastern Pacific (Decapoda, Brachyura)
Colavite Jessica, Windsor Amanda, Santana William
ZooKeys. 2019 825 p.1
Spider crabs of the Western Atlantic with special reference to fossil and some modern Mithracidae
Klompmaker Adiël A., Portell Roger W., Klier Aaron T., Prueter Vanessa, Tucker Alyssa L.
PeerJ. 2015 3 p.e1301
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Windsor Amanda M., Mendoza Jose Christopher E., Deeds Jonathan R.
ZooKeys. 2019 858 p.11
Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogeny of Pisa (Decapoda: Majoidea: Epialtidae), including the description of a new genus of Pisinae
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Scientia Marina. 2023 87(4). p.e076
A new genus for Pericera septemspinosa Stimpson, 1871 and Pericera heptacantha Bell, 1836 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majoidea), based on morphology and molecular data
Colavite Jessica, Windsor Amanda M., Santana William
Zoosystematics and Evolution. 2020 96(1). p.205
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Butler Mark J., Duran Alain, Feehan Colette J., Harborne Alastair R., Hykema Alwin, Patterson Joshua T., Sharp William C., Spadaro Angelo Jason, Wijers Tom, Williams Stacey M.
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A Very Active α-Amylase and an Inhibitor-Based Control of Proteinases Are Key Features of Digestive Biochemistry of the Omnivorous Caribbean King Crab Maguimithrax spinosissimus
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Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2020 56(6). p.550
Camouflage by the masking crab,Notomithrax ursus(Herbst, 1788) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae): is it a decorator or a dressmaker?
McLay Colin L
Journal of Crustacean Biology. 2020 40(6). p.673
Morphology and ultrastructure of the adult ovarian cycle in Mithracidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Majoidea)
Mollemberg Michelle, Zara Fernando José, Santana William
Helgoland Marine Research. 2017 71(1).
Phylogeographic patterns inMaguimithrax spinosissimus(Decapoda: Mithracidae) from Colombian Caribbean
Hurtado-Alarcón Julio César, Campos Campos Néstor Hernando, Bermúdez Tobón Adriana, Márquez Edna J.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2018 52(1). p.118
Molecular phylogeny of porcelain crabs (Porcellanidae:Petrolisthesand allies) from the south eastern Pacific: the generaAllopetrolisthesandLiopetrolisthesare not natural entities
Baeza J. Antonio
PeerJ. 2016 4 p.e1805
The first record of an eastern Pacific invasive crab in Taiwanese waters: Amphithrax armatus (Saussure, 1853) (Brachyura: Majoidea: Mithracidae), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus
Ng Peter K L, Ho Ping-Ho, Lin Chia-Wei, Yang Chien-Hui
Journal of Crustacean Biology. 2018 38(2). p.198
Ecology determines appearance: a new taxonomic solution for the soft bottom dwelling spider crab Pisoides bidentatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1873) from the Sea of Japan, with remarks on Pisoides ortmanni (Balss, 1924) and the northwestern Pacific Pugettia Dana, 1851 (Majoidea: Epialtidae)
Zootaxa. 2023 5264(2). p.221
Larval stages of the crab Mithrax tortugae (Brachyura: Mithracidae) with comparisons between all species of Mithrax
Magalhães Tatiana, Souza-Carvalho Edvanda A., Biagi Renata, Cuesta José A., Mantelatto Fernando L.
Marine Biology Research. 2017 13(10). p.1108
Majoidea crabs from Guadeloupe Island, with a documented list of species for the Lesser Antilles (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Majoidea)
Carmona-Suárez Carlos, Poupin Joseph
Zoosystema. 2016 38(3). p.353
DNA sequence database as a tool to identify decapod crustaceans on the São Paulo coastline
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Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2018 29(5). p.805
Reproductive Investment in a Phyletic Giant, the Caribbean King CrabDamithrax spinosissimus: Exploring Egg Production Costs in Large Brooding Marine Inertebrates
A J. Antonio Baez, Simpson Lunden, Ambrosio L. J., Guéron Rodrigo, Mora Nathalia, Owen Dallas
Journal of Shellfish Research. 2015 34(3). p.1049
Oligocene and Miocene Decapoda (Crustacea: Axiidea, Anomura, Brachyura) from Southern Argentina
Feldmann Rodney M., Schweitzer Carrie E., Casadío Silvio
Annals of Carnegie Museum. 2023 88(2).
Checklist of fossil decapod crustaceans from tropical America. Part I: Anomura and Brachyura
Luque Javier, Schweitzer Carrie E., Santana William, Portell Roger W., Vega Francisco J., Klompmaker Adiël A.
Nauplius. 2017 25(0).
Detecting sex‐related differences in mesograzer feeding experiments: An often overlooked source of intraspecific variation in herbivory
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Lethaia. 2020 53(2). p.183

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