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Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

Geographical review of the ostracod genus Vestalenula (Darwinulidae) and a new subterranean species from southern France

Malvina Artheau
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Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes UMR 5177, Université Paul Sabatier, Bât 4R3 B2, 31062 Toulouse cedex 09, France. Email:

Invertebrate Systematics 21(5) 471-486
Submitted: 19 December 2005  Accepted: 3 September 2007   Published: 7 November 2007


A new species of Vestalenula is described. Vestalenula carveli, sp. nov. was found in the interstitial habitat of rivers during the PASCALIS European program when sampling three sites on the Aude River and Tech River basins (Roussillon region, southern France). With its large caudal brooding cavity, the presence of an external keel on the right valve and an internal tooth on the left valve, V. carveli is a typical representative of the genus. This new record brings the worldwide number of Vestalenula species to 24. Vestalenula representatives are known from the Lower Miocene to the present. A review of present-day knowledge of the geographical distribution of the genus and a cladistic analysis are presented in order to assess the biogeography of this genus and the importance of the discovery of a new subterranean species in southern France. The geographical review of the genus showed that most species of Vestalenula occur in subtropical regions. However, V. cylindrica, V. boteai and V. danielopoli lived, or are living, in the Palearctic. Vestalenula pagliolii occurs in both hemispheres. Many of the Recent species live in semiterrestrial and/or interstitial habitats and occur in geographically restricted areas. The distribution of the species of Vestalenula suggests independent colonisation of the subterranean environment by several species; this hypothesis is supported by the cladistic analysis.

Additional keywords: ancient asexuals, biogeography, cladistic analysis, hyporheic habitat, taxonomy, stygobiont species, Vestalenula carveli, sp. nov.


This work has been mainly funded by the European program PASCALIS (Protocols for the ASsesment and Conservation of Aquatic Life In the Subsurface EVK-2001-00086). The program coordinator, Pr J. Gibert (Lyon, France), Dr C. Boutin (Toulouse, France), Dr N. Coineau (Banyuls, France), Dr L. Deharveng (Paris, France) and Pr N. Giani (Toulouse, France) as well as all other partners are thanked. K. Minati (Mondsee, Austria) is acknowledged for the useful exchanges on V. cylindrica records. Pr P. Marmonier (Rennes, France) conducted the determination work of the ostracod fauna that gave evidence for the occurrence of the species described here and was a great support throughout this work. J. Horn, as a native English speaker, kindly accepted to proofread this manuscript. The author wants to stress the valuable contribution of Pr D. Danielopol (Mondsee, Austria). He is truly thanked for his helpful advice during the work conducted in Mondsee and his constructive review of the manuscript. This paper also greatly benefited from the constructive comments of two anonymous referees.


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Appendix 1.  Matrix of species, characters and character states

Appendix 2.  Characters and character states
Characters asterisked are uninformative characters not used in the analysis