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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

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Pollination ecology of acacias (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae)

Graham N. Stone, Nigel E. Raine, Matthew Prescott and Pat G. Willmer
16(1) pp.103 - 118

95 articles found in Crossref database.

Exploitation of the invasive Acacia pycnantha pollen and nectar resources by the native bee Apis mellifera
Giovanetti Manuela, Mariotti Lippi Marta, Foggi Bruno, Giuliani Claudia
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Application of hot water emasculation toAcacia auriculiformisfor controlled pollination
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The critical role of ants in the extensive dispersal of Acacia seeds revealed by genetic parentage assignment
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Increased Genetic Diversity via Gene Flow Provides Hope for Acacia whibleyana, an Endangered Wattle Facing Extinction
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Extensive long-distance pollen dispersal and highly outcrossed mating in historically small and disjunct populations of Acacia woodmaniorum (Fabaceae), a rare banded iron formation endemic
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Floral Nectaries in Leguminosae: Structure, Diversity, and Possible Evolution
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Decreased insect visitation to a native species caused by an invasive tree in the Cape Floristic Region
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Floral development of the myrmecophytic Acacia cornigera (Leguminosae)
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Pollination strategies are exceptionally complex in southwestern Australia – a globally significant ancient biodiversity hotspot
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Presence of the anther gland is a key feature in pollination of the early‐branching papilionoidsDipteryx alataandPterodon pubescens(Leguminosae)
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Pollination niche overlap between a parasitic plant and its host
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Reproductive success of Acacia longifolia (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) in native and invasive populations
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Monoterpene synthases responsible for the terpene profile of anther glands in Eucalyptus polybractea R.T. Baker (Myrtaceae)
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PhytoKeys. 2024 240 p.1
Pollination ecology of Acacia gerrardii Benth. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) under extremely hot-dry conditions
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Here to stay. Recent advances and perspectives about Acacia invasion in Mediterranean areas
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