Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 40 Number 5 1987
W-H Steeb, JA Louw and CM Villet
pp. 587-592
PH870611D State Effects in the 11B(d, n)12C Reaction at 79 Me V
PB Foot, GG Shute and BM Spicer
pp. 611-618
PH870635An Electron Microscope Study of Defect-free YBa2Cu3O7?x (x » 0.15) with Superconductivity at 93 K
LA Bursill, P Goodman, JD Patterson and S Tonner
pp. 635-642
PH870643Temperature Limitation in Evacuated Solar Collector Tubes
BA Pailthorpe, RE Collins and S O'Shea
pp. 643-658
PH870659Determination of Young's Modulus in the Circumferential Direction of Corn Stalks
K Murawski and J Kukielka
pp. 659-664
PH870665Nonlinear Shift of Wave Parameters of Whistlers in the Ionosphere in the Presence of Negative Ions
AK Sur, PK Kashyapi, SN Paul and B Chakraborty
pp. 665-674
PH870675Nonlinear Instability of Ion-Cyclotron Whistlers in the Ionosphere
B Chakraborty, AK Sur and SN Paul
pp. 675-686
PH870705A 1· 6 MHz Survey of the Galactic Background Radio Emission
GRA Ellis and M Mendillo
pp. 705-708