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SSR allelic diversity in relation to morphological traits and resistance to grain mould in sorghum

Rajan Sharma A B , S. P. Deshpande A , S. Senthilvel A , V. P. Rao A , V. Rajaram A , C. T. Hash A and R. P. Thakur A
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A International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Hyderabad 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Crop and Pasture Science 61(3) 230-240
Submitted: 3 July 2009  Accepted: 22 December 2009   Published: 9 March 2010


Allelic variation at 46 simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker loci well distributed across the sorghum genome was used to assess genetic diversity among 92 sorghum lines, 74 resistant and 18 susceptible to grain mould. Of the 46 SSR markers, 44 were polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from 2 to 20 with an average of 7.55 alleles per locus. Genetic diversity among the sorghum lines was high as indicated by polymorphic information content (PIC) and gene diversity values. PIC values of polymorphic SSR markers ranged from 0.16 to 0.90, with an average of 0.54. Gene diversity among the sorghum lines varied from 0.16 to 0.91, with an average score of 0.58 per SSR marker. AMOVA indicated that 12% of the total variation observed among the sorghum lines was accounted for between grain mould resistant and susceptible types. Diversity based on six morphological traits and grain mould scores indicated major roles of panicle type and glumes coverage, followed by grain colour, in clustering of the lines. Seven grain mould resistant/susceptible pairs with dissimilarity indices >0.50, but with similar flowering time, plant height, and panicle type/inflorescence within each pair, were selected for use in developing recombinant inbred line mapping populations to identify genomic regions (and quantitative trait loci) associated with sorghum grain mould resistance.

Additional keywords: diversity, grain mould, sorghum, SSR.


The research was supported by The Sehgal Foundation Endowment Fund instituted at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.


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Appendix 1.  Morphological characterisation of sorghum lines involved in diversity study
Click to zoom