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Productivity increase, reduction of nitrogen fertiliser use and drought-stress mitigation by inoculation of Marandu grass (Urochloa brizantha) with Azospirillum brasilense

Rubson da C. Leite A D , José G. D. dos Santos A , Eduardo L. Silva A , Cássio R. C. R. Alves A , Mariangela Hungria B , Robson da C. Leite C and Antonio C. dos Santos A
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A Federal University of Tocantins, Araguaína, TO, Brazil 65907-230.

B Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa Soja, Londrina, PR, Brazil 86001-970.

C Federal University of Tocantins, Gurupi, TO, Brazil 77402-970.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Crop and Pasture Science 70(1) 61-67
Submitted: 15 March 2018  Accepted: 30 October 2018   Published: 17 December 2018


Among the forage species cultivated in South America, the genus Urochloa is the most used, and the cultivar Marandu of U. brizantha is the most widely planted in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate forage performance in association with Azospirillum brasilense, combined with nitrogen (N) fertilisation. The study was conducted under field conditions in Araguaína, Tocantins, in the central region of Brazil, between March 2016 and March 2017. Four N fertiliser rates (0, 12.5, 25 and 50 kg/ha of N per cutting cycle) were combined with two inoculation treatments (inoculated and non-inoculated), with evaluations carried out in three periods of the year (transition, dry and wet seasons). Marandu grass plants inoculated with A. brasilense had greater plant height, number of tillers and forage production than non-inoculated plants, regardless of the N rate. Inoculation with A. brasilense allowed a 20% reduction in N fertilisation. Our results indicate that inoculation with A. brasilense in Marandu grass, as well as increasing forage production, can help to mitigate the stresses caused by the dry season.

Additional keywords: growth-promoting bacteria, nitrogen fixation, palisade grass, tropical pastures.


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