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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

Climate-driven mobilisation of acid and metals from acid sulfate soils

Stuart L. Simpson A D , Rob W. Fitzpatrick B , Paul Shand B , Brad M. Angel A , David A. Spadaro A and Luke Mosley C
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A Centre for Environmental Contaminants Research, CSIRO Land and Water, Private Mailbag 7, Bangor, NSW 2234, Australia.

B Centre for Environmental Contaminants Research, CSIRO Land and Water, Private Mailbag 2, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, Australia.

C Environment Protection Authority, Murraylands Office, GPO Box 2607, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 61(1) 129-138
Submitted: 26 March 2009  Accepted: 19 June 2009   Published: 29 January 2010


The recent drought in south-eastern Australia has exposed to air, large areas of acid sulfate soils within the River Murray system. Oxidation of these soils has the potential to release acidity, nutrients and metals. The present study investigated the mobilisation of these substances following the rewetting of dried soils with River Murray water. Trace metal concentrations were at background levels in most soils. During 24-h mobilisation tests, the water pH was effectively buffered to the pH of the soil. The release of nutrients was low. Metal release was rapid and the dissolved concentrations of many metals exceeded the Australian water quality guidelines (WQGs) in most tests. The concentrations of dissolved Al, Cu and Zn were often greater than 100× the WQGs and strong relationships existed between dissolved metal release and soil pH. Attenuation of dissolved metal concentrations through co-precipitation and adsorption to Al and Fe precipitates was an important process during mixing of acidic, metal-rich waters with River Murray water. The study demonstrated that the rewetting of dried acid sulfate soils may release significant quantities of metals and a high level of land and water management is required to counter the effects of such climate change events.

Additional keywords: adsorption, release, water quality guidelines.


Richard Merry and Mark Thomas (CLW Adelaide) are thanked for assisting with soil collection and Benjamin Zammit and Peter Zurcher (SA EPA) are thanked for collecting water samples. Ian Hamilton and Chad Jarolimek (CLW Sydney) are thanked for their assistance with the tests and analyses. Gregory Rinder is thanked for preparing Fig. 1.


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