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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Community Health and the Environment

Linda Fabb

Australian Journal of Primary Health 2(3) 85 - 96
Published: 1996


Case Study One: The Lead Project: Public Health On The Ground: Doutta Galla Community Health Service (DGCHS) is located in Victoria, in Melbourne's inner West. It aims to provide health care services, and health education and promotion to a culturally diverse and changing community. It currently services two local council areas and a population of 146,000 people, with a further 249,000 coming into the area daily for work, study or shopping. It covers four of Melbourne's largest public housing estates and large groups of people from Non-English Speaking Background including South America, the Horn of Africa, Turkey, Vietnam and China.

© La Trobe University 1996

Committee on Publication Ethics

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