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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Immunisation: Why Bother?

Janice Finlayson

Australian Journal of Primary Health 2(4) 80 - 85
Published: 1996


As infectious diseases become less prevalent in western countries, the public becomes more complacent, no longer seeing the diseases as a risk. Community attention soon turns to the complications associated with immunisation. Opponents of immunisation are often vocal and appeal to parents' fears of possible long term side effects. At present, very few parents refuse to immunise their children, but with growing media coverage of arguments against traditional immunisation, more parents are voicing reservations. To enable an informed choice to be made, parents need balanced information on the benefits and possible risks, including the implications for their own and other children of refusing immunisation.

© La Trobe University 1996

Committee on Publication Ethics

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