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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

Combustion characteristics of north-eastern USA vegetation tested in the cone calorimeter: invasive versus non-invasive plants

Alison C. Dibble A C , Robert H. White B and Patricia K. Lebow B
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- Author Affiliations

A USDA, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 686 Government Road, Bradley, ME 04411, USA.

B USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, WI 53726-2398, USA.

C Corresponding author. Email:,

International Journal of Wildland Fire 16(4) 426-443
Submitted: 4 November 2005  Accepted: 14 February 2007   Published: 20 August 2007


In the north-eastern United States, invasive plants alter forest fuels, but their combustion characteristics are largely unknown. We assessed unground samples of foliage and twigs in the cone calorimeter for 21 non-invasive, native species, paired with 21 invasive species (18 non-native). Variables included sustained ignition, peak heat release rate, total heat release, and especially average effective heat of combustion, which is independent of initial sample mass. Heat of combustion was overall slightly lower for invasive species than for counterpart non-invasive species, and was significantly lower for Norway maple, black locust, and glossy buckthorn than for three non-invasive trees. It was low for invasive Japanese stiltgrass, sheep sorrel, and glossy buckthorn, and for non-invasive whitegrass, interrupted fern, grape, sphagnum moss, and three-lobed bazzania. Heat of combustion was high for invasive roundleaf greenbrier (native), scotchbroom, tree-of-heaven, Japanese honeysuckle, Japanese barberry, swallow-wort, and garlic mustard, and for non-invasive plants of fire-prone ecosystems: black huckleberry, pitch pine, bear oak, northern bayberry, and reindeer lichen. Heat content of twigs and foliage interrelates with other factors that affect fire behaviour, yet the cone calorimeter results enabled comparison of combustion properties among many species. These data have potential application as improved inputs for fire behaviour modelling.

Additional keywords: fire, flammability, fuel, heat content, native, non-native, plants.


The present study was funded by the Joint Fire Science Program, Boise, ID, as part of a project titled ‘Fire management options to control woody invasive plants in the north-eastern and the mid-Atlantic USA’, with Principal Investigators Alison C. Dibble and William A. Patterson III. We appreciate field help from Catherine A. Rees and the conducting of cone calorimeter tests by Anne M. Fuller. William A. Patterson III and Mark J. Ducey contributed comments on the study design. David Weise and Alan J. Long provided comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. KellyAnn Gorman provided a perspective on practical application of the cone data. We thank the many landowners who permitted sampling of vegetation on their properties.


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1 See Table 1 for scientific names of species sampled in the present study.

2 This database was previously on the website of the University of California Forest Products Laboratory (, accessed 6 January 2004). With the closure of this laboratory, some of the information was moved to the website of Dr. Frank Beall (, accessed 30 Oct 2006).