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Changing patterns of shark attacks in Australian waters

John G. West A
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A Coordinator, Australian Shark Attack File, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, PO Box 20, Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 62(6) 744-754
Submitted: 2 July 2010  Accepted: 7 March 2011   Published: 24 June 2011

115 articles found in Crossref database.

Inferring trends and linkages between shark abundance and shark bites on humans for shark-hazard mitigation
Afonso André S., Niella Yuri V., Hazin Fábio H. V.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2017 68(7). p.1354
Scientific response to a cluster of shark bites
Barnett Adam, Fitzpatrick Richard, Bradley Michael, Miller Ingo, Sheaves Marcus, Chin Andrew, Smith Bethany, Diedrich Amy, Yick Jonah Lee, Lubitz Nicolas, Crook Kevin, Mattone Carlo, Bennett Mike B., Wojtach Leah, Abrantes Kátya
People and Nature. 2022 4(4). p.963
How Sharks and Shark–Human Interactions are Reported in Major Australian Newspapers
Hardiman Nigel, Burgin Shelley, Shao Jia
Sustainability. 2020 12(7). p.2683
Patterns of human–crocodile conflict in Queensland: a review of historical estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) management
Brien M. L., Gienger C. M., Browne C. A., Read M. A., Joyce M. J., Sullivan S.
Wildlife Research. 2017 44(4). p.281
Shark attack: the emergency presentation and management
Gouk Conor, Pasricha Daman, Lingathas Sharanya
BMJ Case Reports. 2015  p.bcr2015212380
A scenario study of the acceptability to ocean users of more and less invasive management after shark-human interactions
Simmons Peter, Mehmet Michael, Curley Belinda, Ivory Nicola, Callaghan Kane, Wolfenden Kim, Xie Gang
Marine Policy. 2021 129 p.104558
The dark side of nature experience: Typology, dynamics and implications of negative sensory interactions with nature
Soga Masashi, Gaston Kevin J.
People and Nature. 2022 4(5). p.1126
The influence of crocodile density on the prevalence of human attacks
Baker Cameron J., Campbell Mariana A., Udyawer Vinay, Kopf R. Keller, Campbell Hamish A.
People and Nature. 2024
Not all electric shark deterrents are made equal: Effects of a commercial electric anklet deterrent on white shark behaviour
Egeberg Channing A., Kempster Ryan M., Hart Nathan S., Ryan Laura, Chapuis Lucille, Kerr Caroline C., Schmidt Carl, Gennari Enrico, Yopak Kara E., Collin Shaun P., Coelho Rui
PLOS ONE. 2019 14(3). p.e0212851
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Identifying and documenting osseous trauma from shark attacks by post mortem CT examination and autopsy
Byard Roger W., Perumal Raj
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Scientific Reports. 2020 10(1).
The importance of research and public opinion to conservation management of sharks and rays: a synthesis
Simpfendorfer C. A., Heupel M. R., White W. T., Dulvy N. K.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2011 62(6). p.518
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Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2015 91(1). p.200
Against Common Assumptions, the World’s Shark Bite Rates Are Decreasing
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Animal Conservation. 2015 18(4). p.387
Beach-User Attitudes to Shark Bite Mitigation Strategies on Coastal Beaches; Sydney, Australia
Gray Georgia M. E., Gray Charles A.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2017 22(3). p.282
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Pakasi L S
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018 434 p.012329
Personal electric deterrents can reduce shark bites from the three species responsible for the most fatal interactions
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Experimental Evaluation of Shark Detection Rates by Aerial Observers
Robbins William D., Peddemors Victor M., Kennelly Steven J., Ives Matthew C., Lappe Markus
PLoS ONE. 2014 9(2). p.e83456
Fatal attack by a juvenile tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, on a kitesurfer in New Caledonia (South Pacific)
Clua Eric, Bescond Pierre-Marie, Reid Dennis
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2014 25 p.67
A geospatial analysis of shark attack rates for the east coast of Florida: 1994–2009
Amin Raid, Ritter Erich, Kennedy Peter
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 2012 45(3). p.185
Geographic bias in the media reporting of aquatic versus terrestrial human predator conflicts and its conservation implications
Bornatowski Hugo, Hussey Nigel E., Sampaio Cláudio L.S., Barreto Rodrigo R.P.
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2019 17(1). p.32
Fibre-Reinforced Composite for Protection against Shark Bites
Fiedler Thomas, Verstegen Trent
Materials. 2020 13(22). p.5065
Shark management strategy policy considerations: Community preferences, reasoning and speculations
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A spatial and environmental analysis of shark attacks on Reunion Island (1980–2017)
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From sea monsters to charismatic megafauna: Changes in perception and use of large marine animals
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From little things big things grow: enhancement of an acoustic telemetry network to monitor broad-scale movements of marine species along Australia’s east coast
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Movement Ecology. 2024 12(1).
AI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (2018)
Sharma Nabin, Scully-Power Paul, Blumenstein Michael
Effectiveness of five personal shark-bite deterrents for surfers
Huveneers Charlie, Whitmarsh Sasha, Thiele Madeline, Meyer Lauren, Fox Andrew, Bradshaw Corey J.A.
PeerJ. 2018 6 p.e5554
Decadal trends in shark catches and effort from the New South Wales, Australia, Shark Meshing Program 1950 - 2010
Reid D. D., Robbins W. D., Peddemors V. M.
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Fatal tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier attack in New Caledonia erroneously ascribed to great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias
Tirard Philippe, Maillaud Claude, Borsa Philippe
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2015 33 p.68
Direct and indirect psychological impacts of shark-bite events
Taylor Jennifer, McLean Loyola, Korner Anthony, Glozier Nicholas
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2019 53(1). p.27
Predicting potential future reduction in shark bites on people
Bradshaw Corey J. A., Meagher Phoebe, Thiele Madeline J., Harcourt Robert G., Huveneers Charlie
Royal Society Open Science. 2021 8(3).
Environmental predictive models for shark attacks in Australian waters
Ryan LA, Lynch SK, Harcourt R, Slip DJ, Peddemors V, Everett JD, Harrison LM, Hart NS
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2019 631 p.165
The social dimension to the New South Wales Shark Management Strategy, 2015–2020, Australia: Lessons learned
Martin Carol L., Curley Belinda, Wolfenden Kim, Green Marcel, Moltschaniwskyj Natalie A.
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Sharks and New Zealand news media
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Environmental drivers of abundance and residency of a large migratory shark, Carcharhinus leucas, inshore of a dynamic western boundary current
Lee KA, Smoothey AF, Harcourt RG, Roughan M, Butcher PA, Peddemors VM
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2019 622 p.121
Individual shark profiling: An innovative and environmentally responsible approach for selectively managing human fatalities
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Conservation Letters. 2019 12(2).
Introducing Relational Values as a Tool for Shark Conservation, Science, and Management
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Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019 6
Size Assessment of the Gray Reef Shark Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Inferred from Teeth Marks on Human Wounds
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Effectiveness of novel fabrics to resist punctures and lacerations from white shark (Carcharodon carcharias): Implications to reduce injuries from shark bites
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Distribution, ecology, and status of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Mediterranean Sea
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Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2017 27(3). p.515
Before Azaria: A Historical Perspective on Dingo Attacks
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Animals. 2022 12(12). p.1592
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Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History. 2021 4(1).
Response of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus to shark bite mitigation products
Thiele Madeline, Mourier Johann, Papastamatiou Yannis, Ballesta Laurent, Chateauminois Eric, Huveneers Charlie
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Ocean & Coastal Management. 2019 174 p.108
Beach safety: can drones provide a platform for sighting sharks?
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An analysis of Australian news and current affair program coverage of sharks on Facebook
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Public Perception and Understanding of Shark Attack Mitigation Measures in Australia
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Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2014 19(2). p.154
Long-term patterns of abundance, residency and movements of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in Sydney Harbour, Australia
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Haig Jodie A., Lambert Gwladys I., Sumpton Wayne D., Mayer David G., Werry Jonathan M.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2018 200 p.289
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Unprovoked Shark Bites: Are They Becoming More Prevalent?
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Coastal Management. 2014 42(5). p.478
Dramatic increase in sea otter mortality from white sharks in California
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The Australian Shark-Incident Database for quantifying temporal and spatial patterns of shark-human conflict
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Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2018 599 p.157
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Australian shark-cull plan draws scientists' ire
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Evaluating the media's reporting of public and political responses to human-shark interactions in N.S.W, Australia
Fraser-Baxter Sam, Medvecky Fabien
Marine Policy. 2018 97 p.109
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Journal of Ecotourism. 2014 13(2-3). p.159
SMART Drumlines Ineffective in Catching White Sharks in the High Energy Capes Region of Western Australia: Acoustic Detections Confirm That Sharks Are Not Always Amenable to Capture
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Biology. 2022 11(10). p.1537
Capture Response and Long-Term Fate of White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) after Release from SMART Drumlines
Butcher Paul A., Lee Kate A., Brand Craig P., Gallen Christopher R., Green Marcel, Smoothey Amy F., Peddemors Victor M.
Biology. 2023 12(10). p.1329
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Moving beyond lethal programs for shark hazard mitigation
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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2023 281 p.108214
News media portrayal of attributed stakeholder attitudes to shark management in Australia
Hardiman Nigel, Burgin Shelley, Shao Jia
Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2019 24(6). p.548
Oceanographic conditions associated with white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) habitat use along eastern Australia
Lee KA, Butcher PA, Harcourt RG, Patterson TA, Peddemors VM, Roughan M, Harasti D, Smoothey AF, Bradford RW
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2021 659 p.143
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Clinical features of 27 shark attack cases on La Réunion Island
Ballas Richard, Saetta Ghislain, Peuchot Charline, Elkienbaum Philippe, Poinsot Emmanuelle
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2017 82(5). p.952
Post Mortem Examination and Autopsy - Current Issues From Death to Laboratory Analysis (2018)
Clua Eric, Reid Dennis
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How Close is too Close? The Effect of a Non-Lethal Electric Shark Deterrent on White Shark Behaviour
Kempster Ryan M., Egeberg Channing A., Hart Nathan S., Ryan Laura, Chapuis Lucille, Kerr Caroline C., Schmidt Carl, Huveneers Charlie, Gennari Enrico, Yopak Kara E., Meeuwig Jessica J., Collin Shaun P., Patterson Heather M.
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Development of an environmental DNA assay for detecting multiple shark species involved in human–shark conflicts in Australia
van Rooyen Anthony, Miller Adam D., Clark Zach, Sherman Craig D. H., Butcher Paul A., Rizzari Justin R., Weeks Andrew R.
Environmental DNA. 2021 3(5). p.940
Increased shark bite survivability revealed by two centuries of Australian records
Tucker James P., Santos Isaac R., Kelaher Brendan P., Green Marcel, Clark Graeme F., Butcher Paul A.
Scientific Reports. 2022 12(1).
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Taylor Nicholas B, Lamond David W
Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2021 33(5). p.803
Global shark attack hotspots: Identifying underlying factors behind increased unprovoked shark bite incidence
Chapman Blake K., McPhee Daryl
Ocean & Coastal Management. 2016 133 p.72

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