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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

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Fire ecology of Mexican pines and a fire management proposal

Dante Arturo Rodríguez-Trejo and Peter Z. Fulé
12(1) pp.23 - 37

122 articles found in Crossref database.

Mixed-provenance plantings and climatic transfer-distance affect the early growth of knobcone-monterey hybrid pine, a fire-resilient alternative for reforestation
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New Forests. 2024 55(3). p.543
Pinus strobiformis (southwestern white pine) stand dynamics, regeneration, and disturbance ecology: A review
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Forest Ecology and Management. 2013 287 p.90
Post-fire vegetation dynamics of a temperate mixed forest: An assessment based on the variability of Landsat spectral indices
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An easy, accurate and efficient procedure to create forest fire risk maps using the SEXTANTE plugin Modeler
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Mexican mixed-species forest shows resilience to high-intensity fire
Azpeleta Tarancón Alicia, Fulé Peter Z., García Arévalo Abel
Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2024 54(5). p.500
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Rodríguez-Trejo Dante Arturo, Martínez-Hernández Pedro Arturo, Ortiz-Contla Héctor, Chavarría-Sánchez Manuel Román, Hernández-Santiago Faustino
Fire Ecology. 2011 7(1). p.40
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European Journal of Forest Research. 2023 142(3). p.565
Building the town in the country: official understandings of fire, logging and biodiversity to Oaxaca, Mexico, 1926–2004*
Mathews Andrew Salvador
Social Anthropology. 2006 14(3). p.335
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Aubrey Doug P.
New Forests. 2022 53(6). p.971
Long-term responses of mountain forests to environmental change in West-Central Mexico
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Regional Environmental Change. 2019 19(2). p.349
Cambio postincendio en la estructura y composición del estrato arbóreo y carga de combustibles en un bosque de Pinus douglasiana de México
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Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 2017 88(1). p.113
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Forests. 2022 13(7). p.1121
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Forests. 2016 7(4). p.90
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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2017 250 p.59
Posttreatment Tree Mortality After Forest Ecological Restoration, Arizona, United States
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Epicormic Resprouting in Fire-Prone Ecosystems
Pausas Juli G., Keeley Jon E.
Trends in Plant Science. 2017 22(12). p.1008
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Modification of Fire Regimes Inferred from the Age Structure of Two Conifer Species in a Tropical Montane Forest, Mexico
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Identifying Social-ecological Linkages to Develop a Community Fire Plan in Mexico
Sheridan RachelA.S, Fulé PeterZ, Lee MarthaE, Nielsen ErikA
Conservation and Society. 2015 13(4). p.395
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Pompa-García Marín, Rodríguez-Flores Felipa de Jesús, Sigala José A., Rodríguez-Trejo Dante Arturo
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Natural Hazards. 2019 96(1). p.213
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Response of soil seed bank to a prescribed burning in a subtropical pine–oak forest
Zuloaga-Aguilar Susana, Orozco-Segovia Alma, Briones Oscar, Pelaez Enrique Jardel
International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016 25(9). p.946
Litter Flammability of 50 Southeastern North American Tree Species: Evidence for Mesophication Gradients Across Multiple Ecosystems
Varner J. Morgan, Kane Jeffrey M., Kreye Jesse K., Shearman Timothy M.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2021 4
Predicting forest fire kernel density at multiple scales with geographically weighted regression in Mexico
Monjarás-Vega Norma Angélica, Briones-Herrera Carlos Ivan, Vega-Nieva Daniel José, Calleros-Flores Eric, Corral-Rivas José Javier, López-Serrano Pablito Marcelo, Pompa-García Marín, Rodríguez-Trejo Dante Arturo, Carrillo-Parra Artemio, González-Cabán Armando, Alvarado-Celestino Ernesto, Jolly William Matthew
Science of The Total Environment. 2020 718 p.137313
Fire regime in a conservation reserve in Chihuahua, Mexico
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Near Colonization of a Desert Island by a Tropical Bird: Military Macaw (Ara militaris) at Isla San Pedro Nolasco, Sonora, Mexico
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Human and climate influences on frequent fire in a high‐elevation tropical forest
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A shrubby resprouting pine with serotinous cones endemic to southwest China
Pausas Juli G., Su Wenhua, Luo Caifang, Shen Zehao
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Landscape heterogeneity increases survival of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis juveniles in a frequently burned, humid savanna
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Biotropica. 2022 54(3). p.551
Differences in leaf physiology among juvenile pines and oaks following high-severity wildfire in an Arizona Sky Island Mountain range
Poulos Helen M., Barton Andrew M., Berlyn Graeme P., Schwilk Dylan W., Faires Charles E., McCurdy Wyatt C.
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Forest fires in Mexico: an approach to estimate fire probabilities
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Effects of climate on historical fire regimes (1451–2013) in Pinus hartwegii forests of Cofre de Perote National Park, Veracruz, Mexico
Cerano-Paredes Julián, Iniguez Jose M., Villanueva-Díaz José, Vázquez-Selem Lorenzo, Cervantes-Martínez Rosalinda, Esquivel-Arriaga Gerardo, Franco-Ramos Osvaldo, Rodríguez-Trejo Dante A.
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Climate drives fire synchrony but local factors control fire regime change in northern Mexico
Yocom Kent Larissa L., Fulé Peter Z., Brown Peter M., Cerano‐Paredes Julián, Cornejo‐Oviedo Eladio, Cortés Montaño Citlali, Drury Stacy A., Falk Donald A., Meunier Jed, Poulos Helen M., Skinner Carl N., Stephens Scott L., Villanueva‐Díaz José
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