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Crop and Pasture Science Crop and Pasture Science Society
Plant sciences, sustainable farming systems and food quality
Crop and Pasture Science

Crop and Pasture Science

Volume 69 Number 2 2018

This study reports on the differences in D chromosome retention observed in different bread wheat × durum wheat crosses. D chromosomes were still eliminated at the F5 generation suggesting that D chromosomes can be unstable for many generations in some of these crosses.

CP17204Bacterial artificial chromosome clones randomly selected for sequencing reveal genomic differences between soybean cultivars

Tingting He, Longshu Yang, Xianlong Ding, Linfeng Chen, Yanwei Li, Tanliu Wang, Hao Zhang, Junyi Gai and Shouping Yang
pp. 131-141

There are genomic differences between soybean varieties. Our research demonstrated the differences between a partial sequence of N23601 and the corresponding sequence of the reference genome from the perspective of genome structure, repeats and genes. Sequence information of the 10 BAC clones was a supplemental resource for the reference genome and can deepen our understanding of the N23601 genome.

CP17284Molecular and phenotypic diversity among chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes as a function of drought tolerance

Supriya Sachdeva, C. Bharadwaj, Vinay Sharma, B. S. Patil, K. R. Soren, Manish Roorkiwal, Rajeev Varshney and K. V. Bhat
pp. 142-153

Molecular and morphological based diversity analysis could clearly discern the drought tolerant and drought sensitive genotypes into distinct groups that would be valuable in planning a breeding programme for development of moisture stress tolerant cultivars.

CP17293Assessment of crop-management strategies to improve soybean resilience to climate change in Southern Brazil

Rafael Battisti, Paulo C. Sentelhas, Phillip S. Parker, Claas Nendel, Gil M. De S. Câmara, José R. B. Farias and Claudir J. Basso
pp. 154-162

Crop models ensemble was used to evaluate if crop-management can contribute for increasing the resilience of soybean yield for future climate scenarios in southern Brazil. The crop-management strategies evaluated were irrigation, sowing date, cultivar maturity group and planting density. The best crop management strategies were the same for current and future climate, which means that changes in crop management are not expected to increase soybean resilience to climate change.

CP17020Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the HYDRUS-1D model for root water uptake in saline soils

Wenzhi Zeng, Guoqing Lei, Yuanyuan Zha, Yuanhao Fang, Jingwei Wu and Jiesheng Huang
pp. 163-173

A variance-based global sensitivity analysis (EFAST) was applied to the Feddes module of the HYDRUS-1D model. The effects of soil salinity, climate conditions, and crop root growth on parameter sensitivity were also explored. Based on our study, wilting point and salt stress parameters are necessary to be calibrated based on local measurements while other Feddes parameters might be determined from literature review if the data are extremely limited.

CP17276Intrinsic capacity for nutrient foraging predicts critical external phosphorus requirement of 12 pasture legumes

Graeme A. Sandral, Rebecca E. Haling, Megan H. Ryan, Andrew Price, Wayne M. Pitt, Shane M. Hildebrand, Christopher G. Fuller, Daniel R. Kidd, Adam Stefanksi, Hans Lambers and Richard J. Simpson
pp. 174-182

Differences in the rate of phosphorus (P) application required for maximum growth (i.e. critical P requirement) were identified among temperate pasture legumes. Species able to explore P-enriched soil layers as a result of high root-length density, high specific root length and/or long root hairs had lower critical P requirements.

CP17081Tropical forage legumes provide large nitrogen benefits to maize except when fodder is removed

Skye Traill, Lindsay W. Bell, Neal P. Dalgliesh, Ainsleigh Wilson, Lina-May Ramony and Chris Guppy
pp. 183-193

A range of tropical forage legumes were grown under irrigated conditions to determine (i) the potential N inputs provided to a subsequent cereal crop and (ii) the residual N benefits once fodder was removed. The tropical forage legumes contributed large amounts of N to subsequent crops but when these legumes were cut and removed, the benefits were greatly diminished and the legumes provided little residual N benefit to a subsequent crop.

CP17121Relation between level of autumn dormancy and salt tolerance in lucerne (Medicago sativa)

Kunyong Huang, Xiaoxia Dai, Yiquan Xu, Shibing Dang, Tianran Shi, Jianmin Sun and Kehua Wang
pp. 194-204

Our results indicated that there were salt tolerance variations among alfalfa cultivars of different autumn (fall) dormancy and more severe salt stress inhibited Lucerne (alfalfa) seed germination and seedling growth. Non-fall dormant alfalfa cultivars were generally more salt tolerant than fall dormant cultivars. Further study on the detailed mechanism will be needed.

Both Si sources reduced the deleterious impact of soil acidity on ryegrass, mainly when Na-silicate was applied. Silicon increased phenols, antioxidant enzyme activities and lignin in ryegrass. Peroxidase activation seems to be linked with increased lignin in Si-treated plants.

The redlegged earth mite (RLEM) is an important agricultural pest across Australia for which few control options exist. Control options are now even fewer for some regions in SA with our study reporting the first case of pesticide resistant RLEM in SA, after remaining confined to WA for a decade. More generally, new pesticide resistance issues are outpacing the discovery of new control options.

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